Chapter One

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So this is my attempt at fan fiction. I've never been a good writer, but I just want to try and see if I can wing it.

-The Dark Owl-

She drove an immaculate black car along a curvy gravel road, slowing when she came to a cliff side with only a small metal railing between her and the drop.
The engine's hum mixed with the smooth vibrations of the music from stereo was the only sound other than the song of the white wind caressing the mountain side. It was silent, peaceful, serene. She turned the key in the ignition and the car went dead instantly.

Then, things went in this order. First, she pulled off her sunglasses and tossed them into the brown leather seat beside her. Next, she opened the door and let the thick cool air whip through her soft smooth curls.

There was nothing like the Spring air in this part of the country, nothing at all.

With one last huff of breath she reached over and clicked the button on the glove compartment on the left hand passengers side and pulled out a white envelope sealed with a red wax.

A sound of beating wings cuts through the quiet mountain side and her head shot up.

There on its usual perch on the railings of the cliff she sees a dark feathered owl with a letter between his beak sealed with its own green wax.

A smile tilts her lips and she slowly rises out of her car and steps towards the dark bird, clinching her letter in her hand.

The exchange is simple, she pulls the letter from his beak and then replaces it with her own.

"Make sure it gets to him safely will you, Damon?" She speaks to the bird.

And with one swoop of his wings he dives off the cliff and swoops into the air with such a grace it seemed impossible.

Looking down to the parchment in her hands she smiles and caresses the green wax seal.

Engraved in the dark wax is the Slytherin seal.


Five months earlier...

"Hermione you have to let go, this is obsession is tearing you apart." Harry said, watching her nearly tear her library apart trying to find a book.

"I can't let it go Harry, I have to find him, I know he's still out there." Hermione said, the shake in her voice obvious.

"It's been twenty years, the ministry has even given up, his body is gone." Harry sighed, his head in his hand.

"No I refuse to believe that everyone has just given up on him, he's a bloody war hero for the sake of Merlin." She yelled, ruffling through another shelf of books.

She's had so many clues, so many close calls to finding him but this last one just turned out to be another dead in.

"Listen, I'd like him to be alive just as much as you, you know this, but you've already wasted twenty years of your life trying to find a dead man, don't waste ten more all because of some feeling."

"It's not just some feeling, I'm just a step away from finding him I know it." She argued, flipping through an older book that she hasn't touched since fifth year, "It's not a waste."

"I know, I didn't mean that, I'm sorry, but look just take a break, we're throwing Albus a birthday party, come."

She stops her movement and leans against the shelf, her head on her hand.

A lump pushes it's way up her throat and she gasps, tears stinging her eyes.

In seconds his hands are on her shoulders, soothing her.

"Sh, look at me, Mi, look at me." Harry coaxed, turning her around towards him. He pushes her curls from her face and cups her cheeks, brushing her tears from under her eyes. "I know you feel guilty, I do too, but at some point you'll have to let him go."

"I know," She breathes, her eyes red rimmed, "I just don't want to."

Harry sighs.

"Listen, why don't you come and stay with me and Ginny for a bit, I think that'd be good for you, you're always held up here in your flat doing research and whatnot, it'd be good for you to get out for a while." Harry proposes then sends her a goofy smile, "Al is really missing you."

She breathes a laugh.

"Yeah?" He said.

She pauses for a moment and smiles, "Yeah, I'll come."


So far so good right? Please give me feedback, and be ruthless.

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