Chapter Fifteen

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- Library in a Bookstore -

They continued their walk in a comfortable silence, only commenting on their surroundings ever now and then. It didn't take them long before he pointed out the front of his store in the distance on the opposite side of the side walk.

She can say that she was still a little uncomfortable, but generally speak she felt wonderful. She still isn't really over the fact that this is the same man she spent so long crying herself to sleep over. Twenty years was a long time, although now that she thinks about it all the countless nights of being up to her neck in different files and documents, it seemed like so long ago.

But here and now, she finally stood next to the man, she didn't really know what to think, and when she finds a way to get his memories back, she won't know what to say.

Tobias must have noticed the faraway look in her eyes because he let out a breathy chuckle.

"Penny for your thoughts?" He asked.

She glanced up at him and smiled. The whole flirting and bravado act must be just a front for this Snape, he seemed so tentative, so uneasy around her. Like a teenage boy around a girl. It was adorable in a way that she can't quite pin point.

"Oh nothing, I'm just thinking."

"About?" He chuckled.

She giggled.

"About how incredibly sweet you are."

She watched at the shade in his cheeks changed again to a dark shade of pink and she chuckled.

"I'm just doing my citizen duty as a Londoner." He cleared his throat straightening his back. He stayed like that, hard faced for a second before he broke out in laughter to which she joined in.

As they came up to the store front Hermione couldn't help but admire how nicely decorated the front of the store was.

"Did you decorate it yourself?" She asked, looking up at the sign that says 'Fiction Bookstore.'

"Uh," He scratched the back of us neck, "You can say that, but I had loads of help from my friends niece."

"That was sweet of her."

He smiled.

"She is sweet."

They entered the bookstore and she was engulfed in a flush of warmth and comfort. The scent of books surrounded her and she couldn't feel more at home. It was an odd feeling, especially since she's never been here.

There were wooden rows of book shelves lined up on each side of the walk way towards the front desk and in front of them was a counter with an old cash register that looked to be more than fifty years old. Behind that was a girl with child like features, scribbling fiercely in a worn journal. She was so engrossed in whatever she was doing she didn't hear the chime of the door.

They approached her silently, Hermione admiring the room around her, a section called Romance catching her eye which she was itching to browse, and Tobias, despite himself admiring the beauty that was Hermione Granger. She was a mystery, one he intended to solve.

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