Day 1: Ginza | Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Hey, what ever happened to that guy you met in Seoul?" she asked, her Australian accent slipping out. She was sent to a boarding school there for a few years, so it was only natural that she adapted the way they talked.

I blinked, caught off guard. I hadn't talked about him in such a long time.

"I'm not sure," I answered truthfully.

Hikaru tilted her head. "When was the last time you spoke to him?"

I thought about it. "Three years ago?" I shrugged, before adding, "He got busy when his last year in university started."

Eiko's shoulders slumped. "That's sad."

"That's life," I simply said, before drinking my sake.

"Can I see his picture again?" pleaded Hikaru, pouting and batting her Bambi eyes on me. "Onegaaaii?" Pleeeaase?

Honestly, who could say no to that face? She was the youngest so we spoiled her a lot, but she was still as sweet as a chocolate fudge sundae.

Eiko shrieked and pointed a finger at me, with what used to be pretty slitted eyes now round as they widened. "You showed her the picture and you didn't show me?!"

Ayaka raised a hand, her face remaining blank. "I didn't see it, too."

"Shame on you, Yuki!" bellowed Eiko, crossing her arms and glaring at me.

"Hikaru-chan was the only one here at the time," I explained, trying not to laugh. This was the kind of silliness I needed right now. "You were away in Europe and Ayaka went to Africa for that volunteer feeding program."

"We're here now," said Ayaka.

Hanging my head, a small laugh escaped my lips. "Hai, hai - chotomatte." Alright, alright - wait a moment.

I rummaged through my bag for my phone, pulling it out when I saw it. I had to scroll for a full minute before I reached the photos from three years ago. When I showed it to my friends, they stopped... and stared.

Eiko was the first to react, grinning wide and giving me a knowing look.

"Ikemen datta ne, Yuki." He's a really good-looking guy, Yuki.

I only sighed. I know.

"That's him?" asked Ayaka, with a little frown.

"Un." I nodded. "Nande?" Why?

"He looks familiar."

Hikaru slapped the table. "Soka!" That's right!

Eiko looked at her. "Nani?" What?

"He looks like a Kpop idol!" squealed Hikaru in excitement, cupping her own face with her hands and giggling. "Kakkoii!" So cool!

Nodding, I agreed, "Honto." Seriously.

I couldn't help myself – I laughed with her. Hmm, it must be the sake. Whatever the case, I was totally loving this light feeling. I felt like I could flyyyyy! It had been a looong time since I felt the burden of my problems lift off from my shoulders – even if it was only for the night.

"I guess," muttered Ayaka, leaning back on her chair and looking like she was lost in her thoughts. "You're not going to contact him?" she added, asking me.

My laughter died down, until there was only a small smile left on my face as I thought about the silver-haired boy I almost fell in love with.

"No, it's been years." I shook my head, putting my phone down. "He probably has his life set now. There's no point in disturbing him. Besides, I have more pressing matters to think about."

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