Chapter Twelve

Comincia dall'inizio

He sat there for a moment before I felt his hands on my face, turning it to face him. At first, I refused to open my eyes and look at him but he whispered so softly into my ear, “Hey, my Bella. Look at me, love.”

I set my mouth in a tight line, telling myself not to get my hopes up before squinting at him through my semi-closed eyes.

He chuckled before using his fingers to pry open my eyes gently. “There you go, don’t hide your beautiful eyes from me my Bella.”

His hand moved from my eyes to my hair, running his fingers through them slowly. 

“So?” All I knew was that I was burning from curiosity,

Closing his eyes, he let his forehead touch mine before whispering. “You, my Bella, are going to be the best of me someday. Seriously, this is my first time admitting I was wrong.”

He chuckled, with his eyes still closed. “But you’re right. And I’m sorry, I never saw it from your point of view. I guess I was jealous, I thought you were siding that boy against your best friend. Now I know that you only wanted the best for me. You have no idea how grateful I am to you, for opening my eyes and letting me know that I have to stop being so protective of you.” 

The irony of his words did not go unnoticed to me. Before I could do anything about it, he continued speaking.

“But it’s so hard, my Bella. You’re so important to me. I just don’t want to see you get hurt.” He was squeezing his eyes shut, almost as if he was trying to prevent tears from forming in his eyes.

My heart clenched at the sight of him. Wrapping my arms around him, I whispered back, “Thank you. Thank you for caring so much about me. And I can kind of understand, watching someone you love hurting yet unable to do anything to help them. That must suck.”

The vibration of his chuckle was passed into my body, causing a shiver to go down my spine.

“It does,” he confirmed.

“But let’s learn to do this together, shall we? Slowly.” I said with a smile on my face as I pried open his eyes gently. 

“Don’t hide your beautiful eyes from me my Adri."



I thanked God Adri was by my side, or else God knows what else of embarrassing deeds I would continue to do. The inclusion of two of the same word in that past sentence should be good enough evidence to see what I mean.

After the cup of water, my mind was better cleared up even though I was still kind of tipsy, I knew what was going on around me.

And that was the game of Truth and Dare.

Seriously? Were we fourth grade children? 

The Beauty And The Alpha-Beast (Completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora