Drag him into your shit- Part 2

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⚠️ This part comes 53 chapters after part one so you may want to go back and remind yourself of the previous events ⚠️
Description: Loki is secretive, Peter obscures the truth and the avengers visit a school
Requested by @Story1X5 & @Luna241202
Natasha Romanoff's PoV
"Well that was useless! We learned no information at all apart from that he knows someone called May and from what we could hear she seemed very worried so maybe a girlfriend, that Villian did say he was a teen so he has to be 19 or something, any younger would be ludicrous? Anyway on the phone it siad he has 174 missed from her and things from other people." Tony ranted on.

Yes, the kid had somehow escaped, luckily we had some information and followed that to an Adrian tooms but all he did was narrow down his age which just got rid of all our other suspects on who he could be.

At the moment we where all just sitting in our communal living area, Tony walking around the room stressing, Bruce in a corner marvelling on how the guy worked, trying to find out he could do the things he could. Loki looking way to smug in the corner, rest of us splayed out on sofas, Clint starfishing on the floor.

"Tony calm down." Bruce cut in walking over from where he had been needing out. "First, he was in vibranium cuffs so that means that someone must have let him out."

Everyone went silent, not that we weren't already silent anyway.

"Snggrrrggrrrr" Clint's snore broke out the silence, followed by a snort from Loki as I kicked him in his side, considering after the kick he was still making noises, not groaning I decided another kick would shut him up. Always works, right?

"Natasha are you done?" Tony asked, visibly annoyed.

"Yes I am, I'm just waiting for Loki to tell us why he let the kid go."

That's stopped his snorting, Loki had also been drinking a glass of water at the time I exposed him and ended up chocking.

Now everyone turned expectancy to Loki.

"Well..." Loki said innocently, continuously sipping his water. "And why would you think that?"

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Well I just decided to check the security footage."

"But bits were cut off." Tony cut in, telling me things I obviously already know.

"Well I know that, I just checked the footage from outside the door and compared the times to see who went into the room just as the areas of footage cut off. And how coincidental was it that Loki happened to be entering at 2 times footage cut off."

"Oh." Loki sighed, hopefully realising that there was no way he could try lie his way out of this mess.

"Does that mean you know who he is?" Bruce said hopefully.

Loki smiles and turned to him. "No, buuut I did get some very useful information on his age and whereabouts."

We stood/sat and in Clint's situation lay on the floor waiting for him to continue and give us this said useful information.

"Are you going to tell us what you learnt?" Tony asked impatiently.

"No?" Loki said seemingly surprised. "Now why would I tell you that?"

Peter Parker's PoV
Hurt and exhausted I clambered through my window, quickly popping out my suit, shoving it somewhere vaguely hidden before putting on some clothes and trudging into the living room. I had barely stepped a foot in there when I was rugby tackled down my May, hugging me, kissing me, talking nonsense through her tears.

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