Alone (5/6)

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Original chap name: I'm here for you
Description: Tony comes to the rescue

Tony Stark's PoV

I FLOPPED down onto the sofa, collapsing after having spent the night in my lab working on Peters new suit.

I shuffled up on the sofa as Steve joined me on my Sofa, Clint sitting down with Natasha.


The voice of F.r.i.d.a.y rang out in the room. 'Peter called. I believe it's Urgent.'

I sat up, looking at where F.r.i.d.a.y's voice was projecting from. "What do you mean." I asked, slightly worried about the 15 year old.

"Friday play the call on my phone." I instructed, putting in some headphones.

F.r.i.d.a.y proceeded to play the message as my face paled. All you could hear was Peters sobs. Even listening for a few seconds could break your heart. 'Why!' He screamed, sobbing uncontrollably. As I listened I saw 5 words on the TV that explained everything.

May Parker killed in Robbery

I dropped the phone, the headphones being ripped out as I stood up.

"Ummm Tony?" Steve questioned worriedly.

I quickly turned and ran through the building, using my earpiece to call Happy to get in a car and search.

I got to one of the balconies, jumping off as my suit flew to me, enveloping around my body as I propelled towards Queens.

It took us 15 minutes to find him. He was curled up in the rain on some fire escape stairs, shivering in the rain. Luckily he had his bag and his suit with him so I didn't have to worry about that later.

I quickly picked up Peter, calling Happy to tell him I had found him whilst flying back off to the tower.

Whilst on the way back I had called Banner, telling him to get the infirmary ready also to get Cho over there, not knowing how long the kid had been in the poring rain freezing his ass off.

As soon as I got in I disconnected from the suit, running to the infirmary, Peter still in my arms. I ran into the infirmary, starting Bruce, who was sitting reading a book having being ready before us.

He jumped up from his seat, probably loosing his place in his book, directing me to an infirmary bed as I placed down an unconscious Peter, Cho walking over and inspecting him.

"What happened to him." He said worriedly, inspecting Peter.

"He's been in the rain for who knows how long, check him for frost bite, hyperthermia I don't know how that shit works." I said, sitting down worriedly next to Peter.

Banner nodded at me, walking over to me, Cho's head already in the job, looking at Pete then writing some shit down.

"How did you get him here?" Cho questioned, whilst continuing to asses Peter.

"I flew." I replied bluntly.

She rolled her eyes at me, writing some more stuff down. "Water and fast wind reacts to make it extremely cold." She said shaking her head.

"I was to concerned about getting him here as quickly as possible to think rationally." I said,  throwing my hands up in the air in frustration.

She didn't reply after that, just continuing with her work.

Five minutes later she cane over, concluding he was fine but very cold, needing to get out of his clothes and warm up and that he was only still unconscious due to needing to catch up to a large quantity of sleep.

"I'll just take a blood sample to make sure he is completely fine but in the meantime he should be good." She said, walking over to a table to get a needle.

"No!" I shouted, respecting how much Peter wanted to keep his identity and how a blood test would expose him. Banner and Cho looked at me confused as I struggled to think of an excuse.

"He has....." I thumbed with my words trying to think of something.

"Thrombocytopenia...?" Banner questioned, looking at me confused.

"Yes!" I concluded, deciding that must be something on the lines of what I was thinking of.

Cho looked at me sceptically before rolling her eyes and giving up. "If you say so Stark." She muttered before turning back to her notes. "He should wake up soon, yeh you can get him out of his wet clothes and everything." She said, signing him out if the infirmary and walking off to whatever thing she was doing.

I muttered a thanks, walking over to Peter, testing his temperature to see that he was slowly warming up again.

After wrapping him in a blanket I picked him up, the first of my worries taken care off. After a brisk walk I arrived at what was Peter room I had made when I offered him the avenger job.

After tucking him in I sighed, telling F.r.i.d.a.y to notify me when he woke, leaving the room and proceeding to call Coulson to get some agents to the crime scene, check some stuff out.

After that I went to the Lounge area and collapsed on one of the couches, my energy used up, not noticing Steve and Clint had left and that Natasha was sitting on the other sofa watching.

"Who's the kid." Rogers questioned, walking over. I looked over at him, letting out a large breath before grabbing the TV remote and turning it on. "Watch it Spangles." I said before putting the remote back and tending on the Sofa, ready to rush to Pete when he woke up.

Rogers looked at me amused before going and sitting on the other sofa, like me only noticing Natasha for the first time, leaving me to my short lasted peace.
Btw Thrombocdootstsoist thing is where you have low platelets so ur cuts don't really heal especially if they are real bad

I also wrote this at 12am so soggy if there is any spelling mistakes and stuff!

Also Thanku for 45 followers, I'm so happy


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