To the Hopeful Ones

Start from the beginning

I quickly scrable around, trying to find cover on the barren piece of cloth of cotton. I bury my face into the blankets as I feared for the worst, once again having the thoughts of what is happening? I shut my eyes tightly as something... no, someone touched me. I kept my eyes closed as someone slid something under my body. I was shaking in fear and anxiety, what's happening to me?! ... ... ... "S-so you're awake, I'm... so sorry you had to go through that."

The voice hit me harder than a truck, both physically and mentally... I knew this voice. "I... know it must be all so confusing and traumatizing for you but I swear! I'll... return you to normal once the day is over... could you open your eyes now?" Why... what did I do to deserve this? I opened my eyes to confirm the nightmare that had came true; as two gigantic eyes stared back at me. Once again, I hypreventilated. I couldn't beleive this! I was shrunk! To a mere few inches!!!

My vision started to blur again as my breathing started to get rugged and strainful. Seeing my distress, the child reached for me. "N-no! Stay away from me! D-don't... hurt me." My body gave away while his hand inched closer and closer towards my face, until I felt the shockingly gentle touch he had as he tried to console me. "Why did... you do all this?" My body was still tense, barely keeping up the demand of oxygen from my body by panting wildly. "I just wanted... someone... to talk to me..."

His voice was gentle and understanding, but it still could not weigh over the severe trauma I currently lived in. "W-where am I? How... how in the world did you shrink me?" I wanted to sound demanding... but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I knew there was something behind all this. "I..." He hesitated, as a moment of silence passed before us. "I'm an orphan... name's Lesov"

My brain finally clicked as my fear and anger washed away, to be replaced by a sad twinge of emotions. "I... I see, s-so that's why you couldn't answer me last... night?" He nodded with a spark of joy in his eyes. "Don't the people w-working here talk to you?" He didn't reply, instead looked away at the may dull details of the wall. "Do the other kids talk to you?" At this point his eyes started to water and I internally smack myself for being so oblivious, he doesn't need to be reminded of that you stupid idiot! "I... I'm so sorry..." He wiped away his tears as a small, thin smile emerged from his lips before changing again into a frown. "What... was I thinking... I can't keep you here for my selfish needs."

Something sparked in my heart, something I can't comprehend. "I'll just get that cookie, hold on let me let you down for a sec." He carefully lowers me onto the bed while he reaches into the drawer to find something...there was voice telling me to help him, even though I just met him... and yes I can forgive him for shrinking me. "Here you go, some weird message in a bottle told me about these two weird shrinking and growing abilities. It's just about twelve in the moning, you must have something to return to right?" He handed a perculiar cookie with a 'Eat Me!' frosting, but... while a part of me wanted to go back to work because the migraine was gone-I couldn't believe how well I was handling this situation-a part of me wanted to help him, at least a bit. So while he watched, I stood up and pushed the cookie away. "You know, you sound a little bit too mature to be a kid! I guess I can stay with you for a day, I know it'll help." Light shines through his eyes, but he still hesitates. "B-but how about your... job? Your family?" I smiled.

"My colleagues want me to rest from working and my family... they live in another country." His face still shows his reluctance and regret of kidnapping... well it technically is kidnapping. "Hey...." I walk up to his other hand resting on the bed and touched it with my hands. "It's alright, it's the least I can do." With my consent given, he tears up a little as he puts the cookie back into the jar... and hugs me. This felt... oddly heartwarming both mentally and physically. "It's almost lunch, would you like to join? Oh... and you don't need to be worried about getting seen by anyone, they bring my food to the door." I grinned as I nodded, giving him the comfort to open the door to the room to finally open up his past.

The day passed in a blink of an eye. Here I was, on a sleeping boys' chest as night dawned on us. We definitely shared a few things: like how he loves his drawings and even though he talked with such modesty, his sketches were nothing to scoff at. As the day passed, I slowly grew comfortable to my height. I shared some bits and pieces of my life, like how Ralsei was-even though he'd never want to admit it- a tsundere, classic tsunderes huh? He asked what tsundere was, explaining that he had never watched or known what anime was. I was shocked! He never watched japanese animations or... TV. But as the day came to a close, I can see how he grew comfortable around me. He was a little shy at first, but slowly started to act casually. I also never knew how time could past this fast. And even though I regret it, I had to wake this sleeping angel up to get that cookie. "Lesov, Lesov, come on wake up." And even though I was small, he woke up lightly while rubbing my back; which I allowed. "Is... it time?" He lifted me off his body as he held me up to his eyes with a sleepy but sad pair of eyes. I nodded solemnly. "I guess not all things last..."

I waited on the bed hile he fished out the cookie.... "Wait... why is there just crumbs?" He asked. "Well... I guess magic exists in this world." He walked towards me and squated down as he held out the crumbs for me to eat... and for a second, I considered staying this size to accompany him... but that would be too much to ask, even from me.

I took the crumbs and munched on it. It was tasteless, but I felt something weird in me. And slowly, inch by inch, I grew back into my original size. "Will I be able to see you again?" His voice was paining for a answer of comfort, of something that would help him. I bent down and hugged him while slowly caressing his back... wait, would it... yes! It would! "Lesov... do you want to be adopted?" His froze for a second, before realizing what I just said. "W-wait really?!" He hopped up and down, face full of happiness. "Well... I'm technically old enough to adopt someone, and I'm not really planning to get a boyfriend... so yeah!" His aura of joy could help thousands and thousands to smile. "But for the night please stay here, I'll have to prepare a few things so you can move in." His smile thins a little, but he was nevertheless smilling brightly. "You will... come back right?" I pat his head and gave him one last hug before opening the door.

"Of course I will."

~Requested by shrinker155~
Heh... took me long enough. I'm so sorry about the late update! I just completed my exams and there was a side of procrastination. Requests are welcome anytime, I'll have them on my writing list and get it out as soon as possible. But don't worry! I WILL be back! Until then, stay fluffy!

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