11. Meet my friends!

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Hello, everyone! I am so sorry for not writing lately. Stressed out, not being able to sleep, being scared to go to school (even if I still have holidays) and just life in general is not really being forgiving. I had to force myself to write something, because I didn't want to be a disappointment to you, guys. Sorry once again, enjoy the chapter.

Tom's POV:

'What did I do wrong?' That one thought wouldn't leave my head. I just kept thinking about what happened to Tord. What I said. Did I scare him? Did I make him angry? I heard a knock on my door. "Come in." I called out.

The door opened, revealing Edd. He looked worried. "Do you need something, Edd?" I asked. He stayed silent, his gaze falling upon something I was holding. His expression changed from worried to terrified. I looked at what I was holding. (I can already hear you screaming in the comments.)

A bottle. A bottle of Smirnoff.

"Tom... You drink..?" Edd asked carefully and went up to me. I took another sip from the half empty bottle and sighed. "Nah, this is the first bottle." I flinched as I felt the burning sensation in my throat. Edd frowned and kneeled down beside me, wrapping his arms around me tightly, pulling me into a comforting and warm hug.

I stayed silent and closed my eyes, just enjoying the feeling of not being alone. "...What happened, Tom? What's bothering you?" I didn't respond, but let go of the bottle and hugged him back. "...What did I do wrong, Edd..?"

He looked confused and slowly seperated from the hug. I saw the pain in his eyes when he saw tears roll down my red cheeks. He wiped them away and placed his hand on my shoulder. "Wanna talk about it?" I nodded and took a deep breath to calm myself down before I started explaining everything.

About the facetime, about Tord, how I felt and how he reacted. He listened, his expression changing from time to time. I finished with "I can't stop thinking about him, Edd... I didn't want to make him upset..."

He hugged me once again, this time I didn't hesitate to hug him back. He comforted me, but I couldn't hear him that well, I was too busy listening to my thoughts screaming Tord's name in my ears.

"I understand, Tom... Thanks for telling me, remember we're here for you when you need us, okay?" He smiled at me. I sighed. "Why do I think about him so much, Edd? I don't even know him for that long..."

It went quiet until he started laughing. I was the one confused now. "What's so funny?" I crossed my arms. He chuckled, calming down solightly. "Sorry, I just... I think you like him, Tom~" I tilted my head to my side, my cheeks getting redder every second. "What do you mean by that?"

"You like him, Tom!" "Well yeah, he's a great friend." "Not like that, silly!" Edd giggled when Matt entered the room. "Hi, what's going on here?" He asked. Edd broke into laughter. "Tom loves Tord!"

That was when I realized what he previously meant. My whole face started burning up. "GUYS!" I yelled. They both laughed while I just stared, blushing. Why was I blushing? Nobody knows. We were interrupted by a ding that came from my phone.

I grabbed it...and saw a new message from Tord. 'Finally!' I smiled and tapped on it. Edd and Matt scooted closer to me, both smirking. I glared at them both and turned my attention back to the bright screen.

N0RSK1: Tom... I am so sorry... I just panicked, I didn't mean to hurt you. It's alright if you don't want to be friends with me anymore... I'm sorry. For not answering, for my breakdown, for everything. I'm sorry, Tom... I really am...

I frowned as I read the message. Poor Tord... "N0RSK1? What kind of username is that?" Matt asked, chuckling and trying to lighten up the mood a little bit. "He's from Norway." I explained and started typing a responce.

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