Take her blood

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"Bloom, Blake, now is not the time" Mark says wearily.

I still can't believe the whole squad is here. It's been years since I've seen Bloom, Chloe and Daniel last.
Although Daniel and I still talk on the phone sometimes.

Daisy's disappearance really hit us all hard and everyone dealt with it the way they knew best. A lot of shit went down and people got hurt. The ones whose lives were affected the most were Bloom, Chloe, Dean, Blake and I.

"What are you guys doing here" I ask again already knowing the answer.

Lily was up to something. Again.

"Lily called us saying something really bad had happened and that we should all come quickly. I had to cancel everything on my schedule and catch a flight. I was worried sick. Is everything alright?" Kyle answers.

Was I talking to you?

I resist the urge to say that out loud though because whether I liked it or not, my friends consider him as one of us.

I find it hard to understand why because he's fucking related to the psychopath that kidnapped Daisy!

Speaking of Daisy, I see Esmeralda looking like she wants to crawl into a whole and hide. She looks so lost that I just can't help but walk to her side and grab her hand.

"Esmeralda, meet my friends, Bloom, Chloe, Mark, Dean,and Daniel. I believe you've already met Lily, Blake and Tyler" I utter and she waves awkwardly at all of them who do not relent in staring at her puzzlement.

Kyle rolls his eyes at the fact that I didn't introduce him to her.

"Esmeralda? She's not...." Daniel trails off looking confused.

"No, she's not"  I answer.

"Who's that?" Esmeralda suddenly pipes up as she stares wide eyed at Kyle.

"I'm Kyle, it's nice to meet you" He approaches with a smile and stretches forth his hand. I glare at him as she accepts his handshake.

"Kyle..." She whispers and I feel her hand that was in mine start to shake.

She suddenly snatches her hand out of mine and hold both hands to her head like she had a terrible headache.

"Kyle, you're.....Ahhhhhhh" Her horrified scream penetrates the air just as she collapses in my arms.

"Someone, get a doctor!" I yell unable to figure out what just went wrong with her.

"Move aside, I am a doctor" Blake says and I pick Esmeralda up properly as his eyes search for a flat surface to put her on.

"Hurry, use my bed, I'm fine now" Mr. Heart says climbing off his bed looking panicked.

Without arguing, I move towards the bed and lay her down.

Blake begins to examine her as Lily runs outside to get one of the doctor on duty.

"She looks fine and nothing seems out of the ordinary here" Blake says just as an attending doctor walks in and takes over. Two nurses walk in a few minutes later to take Mr. Heart to another room at his own request.

He says he doesn't want to bother Esmeralda by moving her to a new room.

When the nurses return, the doctor asks all of us to excuse them and I decide to use that opportunity to talk to all of my friends.

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