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-Calum's P.O.V-

Sometimes no words can describe the feelings you get for someone so special. How much your heart races when you get a message from them, or when you see them smile and laugh at your lame jokes. The way that no matter what they're your world, your life, your everything.

Sometimes it can take one thing to make you realize how much you need and love someone. When you know that you can't function daily without them and that the thought of losing them makes you feel sick, that's when you know you're in love.

There is an old saying that you never know what you have until you have lost it so for you to try and figure out how to describe your feelings of love, try and picture you and the other person never seeing and speaking to each other again.

That feelings you get in your chest, that light headiness that comes over you, that strange feeling that begins to overwhelm everything you are that is what love is, not being able to function without them in your life.

Damn, she's killing me but she's my favorite kind of pain.

"Calum dear," Mom suddenly said interrupting my thoughts.

"Yes mom?" I answered.

"Come help me cook dinner please." She softly said and I had no choice but to agree even if cooking isn't really my thing.

"So how was your day?" Mom said and I swear I saw her smirk but I just pushed it aside for now.

"It was good." I replied.

"Just good? Nothing interesting happened?" She said and smiled at me.

"Mom.." I whined, I feel like she knows something she isn't supposed to know.

"I know what happened the other night." Mom said and chuckled.

"What? How? Who told you?" I asked all at once.

"Nobody did. I saw it from your face, your emotion, the way you moved. You were so happy." Mom told me while chopping some carrots.

"What do you mean?" I asked her, clearly confused.

"The way your whole face lightens up when I mention her name, it's pretty obvious you're in love." She chuckled.

"Mom," I whined again, she keeps embarrassing me from myself.

"It's okay, I knew from the start you two would be having something wonderful." Mom mumbled but I heard it.

"We won't be having kids mom." I joked just to embarrass her this time.

"Oh but you will," She teased which made me turn even more red if that was possible.

"Can we just start cooking and stop talking." I said and heard her chuckle.

This is the best feeling in the world.

-Ally's P.O.V-

"Did you tell him you love him too?!" Bea asked me while bouncing up and down on my bed.

"Duh, of course no." I answered softly.

"Why didn't you!? Goddamit, you're so stupid." Hazel playfully glared at me, I just shrugged.

"I don't know if I love him yet," I honestly said.

"Wow just wow, it's obvious you do." Vivi told me.

"What do you mean? No." I defended myself.

"See, you hide your feelings, you're so shy." Bea told me and the girls agreed.

"I don't understand you girls." I mumbled.

"Did you hug? Kiss? Have babies?" Bea asked me all at once.

"No." I interrupted her.

"Aw that sucks," Hazel told me.

"Well, she sucks anyway so.." Vivi said and as soon as I got her joke I playfully slapped her for being so immature.

"That was good." Bea said and chuckled.

"Put it in the book." I joked and the girls chuckled.

"But Ally, seriously tell him how you feel." Hazel seriously told me.

"How do I feel?" I returned the question.

"Only you can answer that but from our observation, we think the feelings are mutual." Vivi told me. I'm really glad that we made up after that little drama.

"Well." I said.

"Well I have to go now," Hazel silently said.

"Yeah me too," Bea told me.

"Same." Vivi said so I said goodbye to them and sat on my bed.

What do I do? And without even thinking I quickly typed a text for Cal and sent it.

Me: i need to talk to you Cal.

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