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-Ally's P.O.V-

"Wow don't you look pretty tonight," Gab said which made me blush, goddamit I'm so weak and girly.

"I don't." I snorted.

"You're right, you look gorgeous, pretty is too mainstream." Gab said which made me blush even more, if his goal tonight is to turn me into a tomato then I'm sure he'll succeed.

"Let's go?" He asked politely.

"Wait, let me go get my purse." I left my purse on the couch on purpose, isn't that what most girls do? I just wanted to have an excuse to go inside and scream for a bit, just kidding haha but seriously..

"Let's go." I said and locked the door, mom and dad would be back soon so even if I didn't lock it it's alright but safety first right? Right.

"Where will you take me?" I asked Gab once we were both inside his car.

"It's a surprise," He said and chuckled.

"Ugh I hate surprises," I complained just to keep the conversation going, I don't want to have an awkward car ride with Gab just before our date so I really want to have a conversation with him.

"Do you now?" He asked which just made me nod, I didn't know what else to say.

"Wait, hold on.. When's your birthday again?" He asked me after a few seconds.

"Uh last June 16..." I said.

"Oh, so what are you, seventeen?" He asked me and I just nodded.

"That's cool." He said and our conversation ended there, a while ago I wanted to have a conversation with him but now I just want to keep quiet and to think, am I really going on a date with the guy that ruined mine and Calum's friendship?

If he didn't ruin our friendship then maybe Calum and I would be sitting in my room while watching a movie, wouldn't that be fun..

Sigh, I imagined myself going to our school's last dance with Calum when I was younger, I didn't really know that something as bad as this could happen. I guess destiny didn't like us to be together, and I guess destiny wanted me and Gab together, ugh life is so complicated.

"We're here.." Gab said which surprised me, was I thinking that long?

"Oh.." I said and looked at the place, it was a cute and small restaurant by the lake and it looked as if no one was even there, there were lights and all but there were no cars.

"Um.. There's nobody?" I awkwardly said and heard a chuckle coming from Gab.

"I reserved this place, of course." He casually said.

"You didn't have to.." I said because this place was really nice, what if families wanted to eat dinner here? What if somebody wanted to celebrate their birthday here? What if-

"Anything for you.." He whispered interrupting my thoughts. I guess he didn't want me to hear what he said so I acted as if I didn't.

We went inside the small restaurant and it was really pretty and all, there was a huge window and you could clearly see the lake. The lake was even reflecting the moon and it looked like the ones I see on Tumblr, this is so pretty.

"Don't be too amazed, a lot is prettier than that." Gab said.

"I doubt it." I said.

"Psh, just look at yourself and you'll understand what I mean." He said which again made me blush.

"You have to stop doing that." I seriously said but then smiled after.

"Doing what?" He asked sounding really confused.

"Making me blush silly!" I accidentally said without even thinking first.

"Oh, I make you blush?" He said and smirked, didn't I tell you to not embarrass yourself Ally, what the hell are you doing right now.

"Let's change the topic.." I awkwardly said.

"You're so cute when you're embarrassed." He said and pinched my cheeks.

"Hey now, don't insult me." I joked.

"That was a compliment darling," He said.


"Um haha, what shall we get?" I asked, changing the topic.

"Oh yeah, waiter!" He said and a petite, blonde girl came to our table. She was gorgeous, her make up wasn't too much and her uniform fitted well with her hair color, she was so pretty.

"What can I get you two?" She politely asked and smiled, what if Gab thought she was prettier than me? What if he's now regretting asking me out on a date, what if this was all a dare?

"I'll get whatever you'll get." I simply told Gab.

"Um okay, two spaghettis then, extra cheese." He said and smiled at Lindsey, our waiter.

"Alright, what would you two want to drink?" She asked us.

"Is lemonade okay?" Gab asked me and I just nodded.

"Two lemonades." Gab told the waiter and right when Lindsey was about to leave, she winked at Gab and glared at me, wow well okay then I thought you were nice, guess not.

"Wow isn't she pretty." I said and snorted.

"Eh, she's okay." He said which shocked me.

"What do you mean? She's like what every girl wants." It's true, tan skin, nice hair, perfect teeth, beautiful body, she was the total package, except she was Mrs. Steal-Your-Guy. Oh wait hold on, Gab wasn't mine.

"Well not what every guy wants." He said seriously, was he flirting with me or am I daydreaming again.

"Smooth.." I just said and chuckled.


"Wanna go to the lake?" Gab asked me once he paid for our meal.

"Yeah, sure." I said and we started going to the oh-so-pretty lake.

"Ohmygod, this is so pretty." I said.

"I know.." He said and when I looked at him he was looking at me, ohmygod he did not just do that.

"Uhm.. You're not looking at the lake?" I said, acting as if I was confused which was really dumb I hate myself.

"I'm not, I'm looking at you." He said and smiled.

"Gab stop!" I yelled and laughed, he started coming closer so I had no choice but to run. He was now trying to chase me and I was running away while laughing, we looked like one of those couples you see in movies, this sucks.

I tried running faster but then he wrapped his arms around me, carried me and span me around. Very cliché, I know but it's actually very fun.

He then slowly placed me down and our foreheads were touching, I was still laughing but when I realized how close we were I stopped and tried to back away but then his arms stopped me. He actually pulled me closer and now we were literally one centimeter apart.

He looked into my eyes and I just smiled at him, I didn't mind our closeness since I really liked it, he slowly leaned in causing me to close my eyes until I feel his lips on mine.

I felt sparks but that's it, I guess they just exaggerate things on books. You really just feel sparks when you kiss someone, not fireworks or anything but this feels really good.

He then pulled away, me wanting some more but decided not to say. "Be mine," He whispered seductively and I didn't know what to say, I was speechless.

"Ally, be mine." He said more loudly this time.

"I-I don't know..." I know, deep down, I like Gab but the past still haunts me every time.

"I won't hurt you, please don't let the pass break your future." He said sternly.

"I-I'll think about it?" I said and he just smiled sadly at me, great what did I do.

"Thank you," He whispered and kissed my cheek which automatically made me shiver, woah there.

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