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-Ally's P.O.V-

"Miss Sandoval, go introduce yourself to your new classmates." Mrs. Mae demanded Beatrice, the new student to do. Beatrice smiled at us all for a while before taking a deep breathe.

"Hello everyone, my name's Beatrice but you can all call me Bea." She said and the room was suddenly full of "hellos" and "why not trice".

"I kinda like Bea more," She answered the question almost half of the class asked, they all probably watched Divergent but I mean if Beatrice wants to be called Bea then that's her choice.

"There's an empty seat right next to...Calum. Mr. Hood please raise your hand." Calum got glares from every boy in class but he still slowly raised his hands, oh Calum.

"Oh uh sure," Bea shyly said, at first I thought she was the confident type but now she's suddenly so shy, she looks kind and respectful so hopefully we'll get along.

While Bea was walking she receive a lot of whistles and winks but she didn't seem to care, she's probably used to it anyway I mean, she's like a goddess.

She finally sat beside Calum and immediately smiled at him and Calum being the friendly Calum smiled back, Mrs. Mae started talking but I can't seem to concentrate because even though I'm uncomfortable around Calum and I don't really like him, I still felt something inside me when they started talking to each other, jealousy. I still feel like we're best friends even though we aren't.

-Calum's P.O.V-

"Hi, Calum right?" Bea suddenly asked me, I was listening to what Mrs. Mae was saying since it's all about expressing your feelings and I really need to know how to do that  but I guess today I'm going to be having a nice conversation with the new girl.

"Yeah, and you're Bea." I said and smirked since she chuckled, she smiled at me sweetly and faced Mrs. Mae again, oh I guess we won't be talking.

After a few seconds I hear her talk again, "So, tell me about yourself Mr. Hood." She said and silently chuckled, we can't talk aloud right now since we might get caught.

"Seriously? Mrs. Mae is teaching something.." I said since I really wanted to listen to what she's saying, I really need to know how to express my feelings since I don't really know how to.

"Don't tell me you're interested on that.." When I looked at her she was giving me a confused look, I observed the class and saw only three people whose listening to what Mrs. Mae was saying, the others are too busy doing something random.

"I-I'm not.." I lied, if I told her I was interested on that then she would think I'm a complete loser and not talk to me anymore, she is going to be my seatmate for a while so I'm have to get along with her, I can be her first friend or something, if she would want that.

"Haha, you're cute." She said and lightly pinched my cheeks, I hated it when people do that since I don't even have chubby cheeks, and in fact my cheeks are as hard as a rock. Okay not really..

"So Miss Sandoval, introduce yourself properly." I said, I wanted to know the real girl better and since I'm the one who had the very first real conversation with her, that makes me really friendly and people might actually like me for it, or they would just get jealous and kill me.

"Alright then, I'm Beatrice Sandoval. Seventeen years old, born and raised in Sydney, Australia and I like bands, a lot of bands actually-"

"I know someone who likes a lot of bands too!" I interrupted her without thinking, of course that someone is Ally and it would be wrong to talk about her right now, we're not even friends anymore.

"Oh really? Who?" She asked which made me panic on the inside, what do I say? If I say Ally then she would ask questions about her and it would be too awkward to answer those since well we're not really close anymore and it'll just make me upset.

"Just an old friend, anyways sorry for interrupting but you can continue now."  I said and she laughed a little before nodding her head.

"I'm really into fashion and music and my hair isn't really this color, I dyed it when I was like twelve or something, I was a pretty badass kid back then." She said and the both of us laughed which made the person in front of me look at us weirdly, it's a good thing Mrs. Mae didn't hear us.

"It was a very dark brown color and I hated it,-"

"Hey, my hair's pretty dark you know." I teased her, I know she didn't mean to say that but I guess it would be fun to mess with her so that she'll at least think I'm funny.

"Woops, my bad? Oh and also, I have a big family like I have three sisters and two brothers." She said, so they were eight in the family? Wow, my family's like so small compared to her's.

"I enjoy acting, like I'm acting right now, I don't really like you but I don't want to be mean to someone on my first day of school." She said, I didn't know if she was kidding or not because it doesn't look like she's acting, okay this is gonna be hard to guess..

I nodded my head and slowly looked towards Mrs. Mae only to be stopped by light chuckles, oh great. "I was kidding! I'm a great actor aren't I?" She told me.

"Nice, a pretty face, nice attitude and talented. What more can you ask for?" I joked but it didn't really sound like what I wanted to say so that's pretty embarrassing.

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