Jimin just shakes his head, as he's not sure he trusts himself to not say something dumb right now. Soon, they arrive at his room and he opens the door, ushering Jungkook inside. They get all the way to his closet before he realizes they're still holding hands. Jimin lets go quickly and clears his throat. "Wear anything you want, but choose wisely. If you ruin my clothes, I'm ruining you tonight." He warns.

Jungkook laughs loudly. "Oh my god, you really have no idea how to threaten me. All that did was make me wanna fuck up your clothes." 

Jimin sighs. "Whatever, shut up! The point is, this shit is expensive so please don't mess it up."

"I won't. What do I look like to you? A three-year-old?"

"No. Just a really irresponsible person."

Jungkook gasped dramatically. "Oooohhh! You sure got me, huh? Sick burn, bro."

"Don't bro me. I'm literally your sugar daddy. Hurry up and pick something out, we have to leave." Jimin glances at his watch, frowning. Jungkook begins sifting through his clothes, pulling things out one at a time. Soon, he has an outfit laying across his arm, and he's looking at Jimin expectantly.

"Can I help you, Jungkook?"

"Uh, aren't you going to leave so I can change?" He says softly, blushing.

"... Are you joking? I was literally in your ass last night and now you're embarrassed about me seeing you put on clothes?"

"Yes", Jungkook pouts, crossing his arms and sticking out his bottom lip.

"Okay, I'll leave. I need to change too, anyway." He grabs some random clothes and hurries out of the room, shutting the door softly behind him. Jungkook gets dressed quickly, then peeks his head out of the room, wondering which way Jimin went. He tries to navigate back towards the entryway, as that's the only place in the house that he's familiar with, other than the playroom. 

Jimin is already there on the couch, waiting on him. Looking up at Jungkook, his heart flutters a little. He's adorable, the elder thinks. The brunette is wearing an oversized yellow flannel tucked into some designer jeans, completed by a black beanie and his own simple black shoes.

 The brunette is wearing an oversized yellow flannel tucked into some designer jeans, completed by a black beanie and his own simple black shoes

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(This fit, but on JK instead of JM, obviously.)

"You look really good." Jimin tries to sound confident, but the younger boy just makes his heart melt, and it comes out sounding awestruck instead. It doesn't help when Jungkook giggles, covering his smile with his sweater paws. (flannel paws? idk)

"Thanks, hyung. You ready to go?" he asks, holding up his keys.

"Ah, I forgot you drove here. Next time I'll send someone to get you. But yeah, let's go." He leans in to the younger's ear. "Are you excited to spend the day with that plug inside you? Imagine how embarrassing it would be if someone found out..." The elder says before standing and beckoning Jungkook to his side. This elicits a visible shudder from the brunette and they walk outside arm in arm, Jungkook opens the passenger door for Jimin before sliding behind the wheel.

The silver-haired male sighs, "So chivalry isn't dead." He says, patting the younger's fluffy head.

"Not on my watch, it's not." Jungkook says, eyes on the rearview mirror, backing out of Jimin's ridiculously long driveway.

The moment is ruined when Jimin turns to the younger. "Hey, make sure people don't see us arriving together. I don't want any rumors to start."

"Oh. Yeah, of course. Me either." Jungkook says, smiling weakly.


Sorry for the cliffhanger lmaoooo. And thanks for over 300 reads, holy shit! Update soon, as usual. Love each and every one of y'all.

Rope Bunny (Jikook) // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now