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 "You ready to do this?" Sarada asked as we neared the exit gate to leave the town. We didn't have time to go home and wish our families goodbye, as the mission was too high of a priority. We just had to go. There would be no send off party, or friends waiting by the gate. The truth of it all was that everyone had their own missions to accomplish, and it was just a task that all shinobi's had to do.

"I am as long as you are." I responded back as I watched the red arch soar over my head. We exited the village, leaving the town as we knew it and entered into the unruly wildness, which was wild and unpredictable. Vivid greens and trees soon became all I could see as we continued to run. Branches blocked the sun, as I felt the temperature drop in the shade. I watched as Sarada took the lead, moving like a deer would as she gracefully ventured forward. As long as she's with me, I know I can do anything I thought as I watched her vigorous movement.

How we were on a mission again felt so right, almost like it used to feel when we were all together on Team 7. "Hey Sarada?" I prompted as she turned her head to steal a glance at me.

"Yeah Boruto." she responded as she directed her eyes forward, almost as if she couldn't stop looking at me.

"Remember when we used to do this?" I questioned as I felt an old sense of Deja Vu sneaking up on us.

"I do." she replied shortly as she kept her eyes glued in front of her.

I have to word this next bit carefully I took a deep breath and continued on with what I was planning on saying. "You ever miss it?"

"What exactly do you mean by it?" she retorted, missing what I was trying to say.

"The missions we used to do as a Team all the time." I explained as I felt a frown form on my face. Team 7 was rarely all together anymore, as missions usually took a back seat to what we all were involved in individually. "But, I guess we all got too busy."

Silence filled the air as I felt Sarada struggling to come up with a response. I could hear the wind rushing through the grass and shake the trees as leaves fell around us. After what seemed like hours, Sarada finally spoke up.

"I guess we have to give up some things to follow our destinies." She exclaimed with a tint of sadness filling her voice. I cast my eyes down to the ground as I processed her answer. Her response stung my pride harder then I would've expected.

Did she not miss what we used to have? I wondered as I felt self doubt surge through my body. Maybe we weren't as close as I thought.

"But," she said as she continued with her answer, "I miss us all being together." I looked up to find her smiling warmly back at me, making me feel as if everything that I may have felt between us wasn't a lie.

"Why did it have to change so suddenly?" I wondered out loud as we continued on.

"Because, life changes fast, and we all had to keep up." she replied matter of factly.

"But how do we know we are all following what is our destiny?" I questioned as I felt her reflecting on what I had just said. But, Sarada had no time to answer. At that moment, an explosion knocked me off of my feet, throwing me to the ground. I heard Sarada yelp in surprise as she landed next to me.

This won't be good was the last thought before I saw a large figure looming over us, its teeth glowing white with a smile. 

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