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I couldn't believe him. Having a dream where the visitor is a god and refusing to tell your knowledgeable and powerful father who could most likely help us comprehend what it means?? Unbelievable. What an idiot  I thought as I flew over the buildings that made the town I had always called home, the past and present Hokages stone faces looming in the distance. But, as I thought it, I felt the corners of my mouth tug in an upward direction. Am I really smiling because of him? I know it seemed to be an inappropriate time to show any emotion remotely happy, but I couldn't help the butterflies that continually bounced around my stomach. He entrusted me with personal information, and it reminded me of times before, when we would always tell each other instantly when something remotely interesting happened. Before I got so busy with my apprenticeship and he got so busy training, we never really had any time to be us.

Get over yourself Sarada I scolded as I dropped down in front of the Hokage's office building, this is no fantasy land, time to focus. I shook my head a final time, directing all other thoughts to fall away and have the mission to be my primary focus.

"You ready to face my father?" Boruto questioned as he plopped besides me and titled his head innocently, like a puppy. Damn, why do boys look so cute when they act so dumb? The question echoed in my head, and I felt I was losing control of my emotions as my mouth moved before I could shut it.

"Stop it!" I accidentally said aloud as I saw confusion pass over his face.

"And what exactly am I doing" he smirked as he studied me inquisitively.

"Ugh, nothing, lets just go." I rolled my eyes with an exaggerated annoyed expression as I began to walk into the building. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Boruto shrug as he trailed on my heels.


"Hey Dad." Boruto called as he strode into Lord 7ths office as if he were the Hokage. The office was pretty standard, with a desk full of papers and a bookshelf full of old and ancient texts. There, in the middle of the clutter sat the Hokage. He was wearing his cape that flapped in the wind flowing from the open window behind him. He was absorbed in his work when we walked in, but begrudgingly set down his pen and glancing up when we arrived.

"That's Lord 7th to you." Naruto responded in a seemingly firm voice. But, a small smile played on his lips, giving away that he wasn't actually angry with his son.

"Sorry," Boruto exclaimed sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head, "force of habit."

"I'll let it slide this time." He winked as he pushed away from his desk. "Let's get started with the mission. The critical thing you both have to do is memorize the codes that you will have to tell Sasuke."

"How will we know that papa will understand what we are saying?" I wondered aloud as Lord 7th moved toward the bookshelf. After scanning the titles, he pulled one covered in dust and blew on it forcefully to remove the lint.

"Because, he just will. You can't be second in command without having a secret way of talking with those ahead of you." He grinned like a little kid keeping a secret as he put the book in front of Boruto and I. "Let's start cracking this code kids."


"And that should be all." The Hokage finished reciting us the code with a sign. "You guys think you understand it?"

"Yes sir" I replied. He had just spent the past 3 hours teaching us the code, and I felt like I knew it inside and out. Boruto, on the other hand, was having trouble staying awake.

"Totally got it." he yawned as he rubbed his eyes. I elbowed him in the side as the Hokage glanced at him with disappointment. "No really I do I promise!!" he exclaimed in a panic, much more awake than he was seconds ago. He rubbed his side and shot me a sharp glance. I felt myself chuckle It's not my fault he's an idiot.

"Alright, then I think it's time for you guys to get going." He said as he started gathering supplies from around his office.

"So soon?" Boruto questioned as the Hokage handed him a backpack full of items.

"You don't have a minute to lose." Lord 7th packed another bag and gave it to me as he nodded his head in approval "we need to get this information to Sasuke ASAP, so please, do me a favor, and don't hesitate to check back in with the office from time to time if you ever need help. This mission is too important to fail." He locked eyes with us both, giving us a firecesome glance.

"We won't fail you" I retorted as I exchanged glances with the Hokage. I knew what was at stake just because of the sense of urgency in his eyes.

"I know you won't," he said softening his gaze. "Come back safely."

"Don't worry dad, I'll protect her," Boruto exclaimed as he rushed out of the room, ready to venture into the unknown.

"Keep an eye on him, will ya Sarada." Lord 7th pleaded as I went to follow Boruto.

"Don't worry sir," I replied as I saw the desperation in his face, "I will make sure he stays out of trouble." With that I ran after Boruto, determined to keep him safe and complete the mission, no matter the cost. I had too many people counting on me to fail. 

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