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All around me was darkness. I couldn't see a single item in front of me, the dark becoming my light. I was not alone. There was something in the space with me, as I could feel its presence and chakra in front of me. I felt my pure eye tingle as I gradually began to be able to see my surroundings. What I found was a familiar and unpleasant surprise waiting in my face.

"Momsoketi" I spat, disgust gleaming every syllable.

"You are not like the others" his voice whispered menously into my ear. "You have a spark." He passed behind me, and I felt my body go cold. His hot and unforgiving breathe hit my neck as I tried to hold my ground.

"Well, lets see how true that holds." I replied, hoping to sound more courageous than I felt.

"We shall, my boy." He smiled wickedly as he faded into darkness. "You have some trying times ahead of you, but, like I said before, No human who defeats gods can remain ordinary." With a chilling laugh, he disappeared, leaving me to gawk in his absence. Suddenly, the ground shifted from under me, and I fell into the oblivion, my stomach lurching as I dropped. A shaking from deep inside me seemed to realise, and I heard my name echoing around me as if I were in a canyon, bouncing back and forth in the dark.

"Boruto, Boruto, BORUTO." I gasped as I shot up, grabbing the air in front of me in fear, trying to claw the invisible force. I opened my eyes slowly as bright light filled the room, forcing me to shield my face. I took a moment to scan my surroundings, finding that I was in my room.

"You ok?" A soft voice floated to my ears, hitting like chiming bells. I turned to the source of the jingle, and found her standing next to my bed. Her raven black hair fell loosely around her shoulders and her onyx eyes full of concern as they studied mine. Her red set seemed to me a beaker of joy as I put together she was what shook me awake. I had a feeling she understood the ordeal I had just had, as she usually was never soft with me.

"Sarada?" I whispered as I let out a long and slow breathe, trying to calm my racing heart. "He decided to pay me a visit again in my dream."

She took in this information carefully as her forehead wrinkled in concentration. I had told her whenever this has happened, and over the 4 years since I had fought him, it had happened only once before. "I figured, I saw the pure eye still active when you woke up." She took a moment of silence as she decided what to say next. While she pondered the right answer, I felt heat rise to my face as I realized she had just barged into my room without asking.

"Um Sarada?" I questioned as I started to get up from my bed.

"Hm?" she responded, bringing her gaze towards mine.

"How exactly did you get in?" I wondered aloud as I watched the heat of embarrassment flush her face. She quickly recovered and a look of resolve cleared away any signs of uncertainness.

"I came in through the window, because you're such a baka (idiot) that I wanted to make sure we weren't going to be late to our meeting with Lord 7th." She exclaimed smugly as she crossed her arms, as if protecting herself physically from my question. We had a briefing for a mission that Sarada and I were going on around noon. All of Team 7 was not required for the mission, as it seems simple enough. Meet up with Sasuke, give him a message in code, and return back to the village. Mitsuki and Konohamaru Sensei had another mission they were completing together, so as of now, it was just Sarada and I being sent. As it was a chance to see Sasuke, Sarada jumped on the chance to take the mission when it came out. I was assigned as well because Mitsuki and Konohamaru Sensei paired up rather quickly, flashing each other knowing and devious looks, giving me no other choice but to go with Sarada. Not that I was complaining, any alone time with Sarada was appreciated, as she was so busy these days being my Dads apprentice. I was glad she had a chance to be able to fulfill her dream of becoming hokage, but, it made me miss her, as we never got to spend the time we used to together. Truth be told, it almost felt like a part of me when missing when she wasn't around.

"Hey, its ok, I'm glad you came when you did, you really saved me." I said as my hands shot up on the defensive "Just wondering." I smiled knowingly as I turned my back to her and pulled a new shirt out of my drawer. I loved seeing Sarada get flustered, as she usually has such a tough exterior. Even if it only happens for a second, it's nice to know Ms.Perfect is still human.

"Well, wonder no more stupid," she fired back. "Now, about your dream..........Do you think we should report it to Lord 7th?"

"To my dad? No, he has enough to worry about." I quickly threw my pj shirt off, tugging on a clean black one, my back still to Sarada. Some may say this action would be strange to change in front of Sarada. But, on many missions previous, she has had to dress wounds on my stomach and back, making my action insufficient. Or at least so I thought.

"Boruto, Otustsuki don't just visit people 'just because'." Sarada exclaimed as I turned to face her again. "Especially ones that you fought and defeated before. This is big news, and our mission may be affected because of it."

I closed the distance between us in 3 strides and grabbed her hands unconsciously in an attempt to reassure her. What I wasn't expecting was the shock like feeling when our skin colladed. I pushed down the initial buzz and tried to focus on the task in front of me. "Sarada, do you trust me?" I asked as I searched her eyes for an answer. She didn't back down, and examined me right back, as if trying to find the truth in me.

She rolled her eyes reluctantly as she huffed her answer "unfortunately, yes."

"Then we really shouldn't get my dad concerned in this, ok?" I spoke softly as I gave her hands a squeeze. I felt her tremor ever so slightly under my grasp, as she pulled away from me and tore her eyes away from mine. She now had her back to me as she faced the window.

"If anything happens, I'll never forgive you." She whispered faintly. She then launched herself out my open window and landed ever so gracefully on my roof. "Now, lets go!" she shouted as her voice faded as she moved further and further away.

"I'm coming." I replied as I snatched my bag from the ground. If only you could wait, I thought as I felt a smile grow onto my lips. That girl is something else, was what came to mind as I followed Sarada out my own window, letting her guide me as she had done so many times before.

The Greater fight-Boruto X SaradaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant