Peter struggles to sleep. He blinks into the darkness thinking about how he hadn't done enough. The guilt had become quite heavy and suffocating. It was comforting knowing that he had someone who also felt that way, but Roman would never fully understand the gravity of it all. It was someone of Peter's kind doing this. Someone like him. People thought it was him.

Right now, Roman didn't have to worry about feeling guilty for the crimes of his kind. Right now, Roman just thought he had a thing for blood and he could live in that ignorance for a while. Peter never had the luxury of ignorance. Given who Roman is, he might never feel guilty like Peter does.

Even though it's late, Peter texts Letha to tell her goodnight. There's something so calming in knowing that across town she's comfortably asleep in her bed, probably with a hand on her stomach ready to protect their little girl from the world and all its evils. It also scares him shitless.

He's 18, the same age his dad was when he was born. He scares himself with thought comparing himself to the man. It's in his blood to run, he wants to see what's over the hill, meet new people. It's almost like cutting off a limb agreeing to give it up. But he's doing so willingly.

When Peter does finally drift off to sleep he dreams of running.


The class sits forward quickly scribbling down notes as their teacher rambles off in French about stereotypes and cultural differences in France. Emma's catching about every other word and hoping to fill in the blanks later. A knock at the door breaks all of their concentration and clearly enrages the teacher. The door creaks open and the secretary from the offices pops in. "Bonjour!" She says, not even attempting to pronounce it correctly. "Principal Dowling would like to see Miss Parker."

Emma follows the short woman down the hall to the principal's office. The woman doesn't say anything to her, just holds her mouth in a shape of disgust. She knocks on the door and opens it for Emma before leaving.

"Ah, come in," Dowling waves her in. "Take a seat." Emma looks around the tense room. One of the guidance counselors is there. "You're not in trouble, okay?" She nods.

"What's going on?" The principal looks to the consular.

"It has been brought to our attention," he starts. "That one of your fellow students has made a threat that they might share some private information about you."


"Look, Ms. Parker, we're not going to call your mom unless you want us to," the guidance counselor tries calms her down. "You're a legal adult and you're not in trouble-."

"I really don't understand what is happening," she smiles shaking her head.

"There are sensitive photos that a student has of you," the counselor finally spills. "Another one of your peers reported to us that they're concerned they might be shared." Immediately Emma's skin burns and she sees red. She had never been so angry and embarrassed at the same time. Sweat pools in her hands and her back.

"As we said, you're not in trouble," the principal reassures her. "We just want to make sure that nothing happens and that it doesn't happen again. You need to be careful, these kinds of images could really ruin your future, Miss Parker." Emma slides further down into her chair. They say she's not in trouble but it sure feels like they're lecturing her. "But," he continues, "Mr. Godfrey and his mother will be here. I don't want you to feel cornered."

"Unlike Roman, my mom's gotta work," Emma explains. "You can't drag her down here."

"That's fine," he nods. She does wish that she had the kind of relationship with her mother where she could bring her down here and ask for her help. She loves her mom, and Kay? Kay loves Emma very much, but it's different. The idea of explaining to her mom why this is happening makes her skin crawl.

Bury a Friend | Hemlock Grove |जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें