warm and fuzzy

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for yellow_gucia

AU: 2012/2013 UK era


"Fuck off, Luke." Michael almost pushed Luke from the couch when the younger boy pressed his cold feet against Michael's warmer thighs.

Luke pouted. "Mikey, I'm cold."

His boyfriend didn't look away from the TV screen as he was playing his favorite PlayStation game. "I don't care. Take a warm bath, put more clothes on, find a blanket or cuddle someone else."

"Will you take a bubble bath with me?" Luke got all excited, his mum went out for drinks with a friend and the other bandmates didn't care what they were doing as long as they didn't hear what they were doing.


"Rude." Luke said and went to the kitchen to find a hot-water bottle. As he waited for the water to boil, he ate all of Michael's cookies just because.

When Michael climbed into their shared bed much later that night Luke pushed him away. He pretended he was asleep but usually when he was asleep, he'd automatically cuddle against his boyfriend.

He knew Michael didn't buy his act but he didn't care.

When Luke almost fell back asleep, he heard Michael's quiet I love you and smiled to himself.

Michael never forgot to say that to him before going to sleep.

Luke almost caved in the car the next morning when they were going to a meeting with their label.

Michael casually placed an arm over his shoulders and started running his fingers through Luke's messy hair. It felt heavenly and it took everything in Luke to move his head away from Michael's reach.

During lunch break Luke disappeared, leaving Michael pouting in the corner.

"You didn't give me any kissed today." Michael said casually when they finally got back home.

Luke looked at his boyfriend and smiled. "Sorry." He placed a big smooch on his cheek making the older boy smile.

Little did he know it was all an act.

Michael went to take a shower and when he returned to the living room Calum was watching football with a very cozy looking boyfriend on his lap.

Not Calum's boyfriend.

Michael's boyfriend.

And not only did Luke have a new soft-looking blanket, at the end of it his legs were sticking out and unlike the day before, he had a pair of socks on.

The fluffiest socks Michael has ever seen.

"Do they have penguins on them?" Calum casually asked and Luke nodded. "They're soft."

"And warm." Luke said as he made an eye contact with Michael.

Michael didn't care for football but sat down anyway, as far from Luke and Calum as possible.

After forty-five minutes of scrolling through his phone he finally got his opportunity.

It was half time and Calum went to get something to drink and to the toilet.

Luke was asleep since the begging of the game and Calum moved him so he was leaning against the armrest.

A few seconds after his best friend was gone, Michael was already in his spot, pulling his boy on his lap.

His heart started racing when Luke let out a happy sigh against his neck. "I just need to buy fluffy socks and you like me again?"

"I don't like you." Michael mumbled. "I love you."

Luke giggled.

"I'm sorry for yesterday."


Michael wasn't sure if Luke was half-asleep but he didn't care. He finally had his boy in his arms again.

"It's not. I should always give you cuddles. You deserved all the cuddles."

Luke kissed his neck.

"Do you want a bubble bath?"

"Tomorrow maybe. Now I just want cuddles. And kisses."

Michael was more than happy to oblige as he pressed his lips against Luke's.

They were cold but he didn't care.

"C'mon guys." Calum whined. "I just want to watch football."

Luke giggled again and cuddled against Michael.

They both were sleeping in no time and Luke had his warm socks pressed against his boyfriend's legs.


smut was supposed to be next but i love fluff too much


Michael pushing Luke away? Pouty Luke?

Michael still saying ily?

Fluffy socks and jelly Michael?

I love muke cuddles sm. ♡

Love, Lucija ♡

p.s.: I'm not that big on communicating on wattpad but you can come and say hi to me on my twitter if anyone wants to ((:

MUKE one shots ♡ 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon