Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"Give me my book!" I demanded, holding out my hand for it. Isaac held it in his opposite hand, outstretched and far away from me, grinning.

"Only if you do me a favor."

"What?" I narrowed my eyes at him skeptically, watching as he reached up with his other hand and fished around in Andie's bag, which was resting just above his head, until he found what he was searching for. He held out a tube of sunscreen towards me, grinning devilishly.

"I don't want to get burned."

"Seriously?" When he only smiled wider, waving the sunscreen back and forth in my face, I sighed and snatched it out of his hands. "Fine." I sat up, reaching behind me to adjust the straps of my bikini across my back and crossed my legs, turning so I was facing Isaac. He sat up the same way, legs crossed and facing the side so I could reach his back, my book still in his hands.

"What's this about, anyways?" He asked, turning his head slightly over his shoulder as he held the book up slightly, turning it around in his hands. I looked at the worn cover and started to explain the book to him as I squeezed some of the sunscreen into my hand, rubbed it over my palms and the front side of my fingers. I held out my hands in front of me, staring at them for a moment before lifted my eyes to Isaac's back, straight and tense. Then, I gently placed my hands on his shoulders. His back tensed underneath my touched, his shoulders stiffening and muscles flexing as I moved my hands over the width of his shoulders and down the sides of his back, my fingertips creating trails of tension wherever they touched. I barely caught him mumbling something about the sunscreen being cold, even though it had felt warm from the sun as I ran it over my fingers.

"You should read it," I said, admittedly attempting to distract both of us from my hands blending the sunscreen into his already deeply tanned skin.

"Can I borrow yours?"

"Sure," I responded, slightly surprised that he seemed interested. "When I'm done." I ran my hands up over his shoulders, my fingers curling around so they brushed against the tops of his collarbones, and then ran my hands down his arms to rub in the remaining white that streaked across his shoulders.

"All set," I exhaled, watching the muscles in his back work as he flexed his arms and his shoulders, rolling them to get them to relax.

"Thanks," Isaac winked at me, reaching for the sunscreen to apply it to the rest of his body. I rolled my eyes at him, taking the book back and placing it on my own towel before reaching behind me for the sunscreen I had packed, the heat on my body warning me that I needed to reapply.

"I call next!" Isaac and I both looked up as the four other boys finally emerged from the water and neared us, Mac smirking at me as he headed for his own towel, thankfully placed a few spaces down from Isaac.

"In your dreams," I muttered, running my hands up my legs, trying to ignore him as he lowered himself onto his towel, smirking. I had spent too much of my energy around Mac fending off his crude comments. Today, I wasn't in the mood.

"Every night." I froze.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Isaac snarled, his body tensing as he turned to Mac. My head snapped up, eyes glancing between Mac, who looked as if he instantly regretted the words, and Isaac, who looked furious.

"It was a joke, man, relax," Mac stammered, his words jumbling together as he rushed to get them past his lips, holding his hands up in defense.

"How many fucking times does she need to tell you to back off before you finally listen, jackass." Isaac's voice had escalated to the point where the other families at the beach had started to glance in our direction, exchanging curious and concerned glances. Mac leaned back from his seated position, behind us Alex and Diego were leaning forward in the chairs they had sat down in, ready, while Lee was still standing.

Rayston Point Road || EditingOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz