Chapter Thirteen

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When we reached my car, I walked around to the drivers' side and reached for the handle, pausing with my fingers curled as I looked up at Isaac to say goodnight, but my hand fell away from the handle when I saw Isaac reach for the back door and yank it open, casually dumping his baseball gear on the floor of my backseat.

"What the hell are you doing?" I questioned, staring at him over the roof of my car as he slammed the door shut and then looked up at me, once again adjusting the baseball cap on his head, his eyes narrowing slightly as he stared at me as if the answer was obvious.

"I need a ride," he stated plainly, sidestepping until he was by the passenger door, but I pressed my thumb against my keys and locked the doors before he could open it. When he tried to pull on the door and it didn't budge, he lifted his eyes to me, but he didn't look annoyed, he just looked as if he had expected it.

"Where's your car?" I wondered, keeping my hands by my sides and my car doors locked as I watched Isaac carefully.

"I didn't drive today. I came with Mac."

"So why isn't he bringing you home?" I asked, my eyes scanning the parking lot illuminated by headlights and streetlamps, unable to discern Mac's pickup from the dozens of others in the lot and unable to find him in the driver's seat of those that passed or the crowds of people still finding their way to their vehicles.

"He left already."

"Your dad?" I looked around through all the headlights and shadows, searching for his dad in the direction I had last seem him. He had been with us just moments ago, and Isaac could have left with him, but I was beginning to wonder if the glance he shared was his father was his way of excusing him from driving Isaac home.

"He has to go back to the station." My shoulders dropped as I shifted on my feet, annoyed as I stared at him, knowing by the smirk on his lips and the unmistakable gleam in his eye that he had carefully planned this out, but I was determined to not let him win so easily.

"Your feet work. You can walk." I used the key to manually unlock my door as I spoke and lowered myself into the front seat, pulling the door shut hard behind me and relocking it once again. Isaac tapped his palm against the window as I started the car, and I turned to look at him, bent down and sticking his head nearly against the passenger side window.

"Seriously?" He yelled through the glass, both his hands raised and resting on the top of the car. "My shit's already in your car! My phone's in that bag!" I rolled the window down slightly, just enough that I wouldn't have to yell through the pane.

"You know where I live. You can come grab it tomorrow." I leaned over the console towards him, one hand on the wheel, the other on the shift, reading to pull the car into reverse. Isaac's face fell into a mix of desperation, his lips turned down into a frown, and irritation hidden in his eyes as his shoulders sagged and he leaned forward, resting his forehead against the top of the door.

"C'mon, Lor, please?" His nose pressed up against my window slightly with his forehead leaning against the metal, flattening in a manner that made him look ridiculous, but still somehow adorable, and as his eyes widened slightly, his lips pushing together to form the beginnings of a pout, he looked even more absurd. I couldn't help but roll my eyes, laughing slightly as I moved my left hand to unlock the car doors while raising my eyes to look at my rearview mirror, absentmindedly fixing my bangs across my forehead as Isaac dropped into the seat beside me.

"I knew you couldn't resist me," he flirted, leaning back in the seat and stretching his legs out as best he could in the small car. My hand hesitated in front of my car as I glanced over at him and then dropped my arm, giving him an incredulous look.

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