Chapter Twenty-Two

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Come get lunch with me.

I pulled my eyes away from the book I was reading when I finished the page, opening my phone to the incoming text message I had received. I had expected it to be Andie, or even Sasha, and was surprised when Isaac's name appeared above the new message at the top of my index. I flipped my book over, keeping it open to the page, and rolled onto my back. I sighed heavily, holding my phone above my head as I texted him back.


I hadn't heard from Isaac in four days, since Saturday morning when I left the diner with Alex, and that was the first time we had seen each other since the marina. I hadn't expected so much silence to pass between us, especially after his attempts to apologize at Andie's on Friday, but I had also started to grow accustomed to it. His text this morning surprised me, and I couldn't help but wonder what was driving his sudden request to see me.

Because I'm hungry and I'm bored?

I shook my head to myself as I typed back.

What if I already ate?

I hadn't, and with Leighton and Dan both gone when I woke up in the morning, I had eaten only a small bowl of what little cereal was left, knowing that part of the shopping Leighton was doing with the boys this morning was grocery shopping. At Isaac's invitation to lunch, however, my stomach had started to rumble at the thought of food, but I was curious to see just how determined he was to get me to join him.

Come anyways. I'm outside.

I stared at my phone for a second in disbelief before standing and walking over to the window, peering outside. Sure enough, Isaac's Jeep was idling in the driveway. I watched him as he stared down at his phone in his lap, bouncing his leg impatiently, waiting for my response.

I don't have to come outside.

Through the front windshield of his car, even with his head cast down slightly, I could see the way his cheeks lifted as he smiled while he typed his response. When he was done, he set his phone down on his leg and reached up to readjust his baseball hat, running his hand back through his hair before he did so.

I could come in and get you.

Even though he couldn't see me, I rolled my eyes and shook my head as I leaned against the wall. I brushed back a small strand of hair that had fallen loose from the haphazard bun at the top of my head, crossing my arm loosely over my chest as I stared down at my phone in my other hand. My thumb hovered over my phone as I debated what to type. When I took a moment to glance back out the window at Isaac, he was leaning forward in his seat slightly, staring up at me through the windshield. When our eyes met, his raised his hands slightly, giving me an impatient look. I chewed my lower lip for a moment before glancing down at the screen, typing.

Give me 5.

I pushed myself off of the wall, walking towards my dresser as Isaac sent a smiling face in reply. I rolled my eyes, tossing my phone onto my bed as I quickly changed and got ready. Leighton was still out with the boys and Dan was at work, but I sent a quick text to Leighton that I was going out, and I was being picked up, as I walked down the stairs, so she wouldn't stress out whenever she came home.

As I stepped outside, Isaac looked over at me through the window, watching as I walked quickly to his car, desperate for the air conditioning. When I reached for the handle, yanking on it hard, it didn't budge. I pressed my lips together in a tight line, raising my eyebrows as I looked up at Isaac's face. His eyes were cast down at the phone in his hands, but the smirk on his lips told me he knew the door was locked, and it was intentional.

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