Part 10 - Home

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A/N: WOWIE this it is...the LAST PART. I'm kind of sad to say goodbye to this series, I spent a lot of time writing this and Thursdays just won't feel the same anymore... I hope you enjoy this story as much as I do. CHEERs to happy endings!!!!

Word Count: 4k

It took a while for Mini and Remus to feel comfortable living in the cottage. So many things felt wrong all the time. Everything in the cottage didn't belong to them, it was all Bertrams and he wasn't there, it left this hole, this empty feeling.

Sirius had also left, Y/n took that hard as well too, Sirius reminded her of James and it was nice to have him around for that short time. When she found herself alone and scared Sirius showed up, she felt like he needed protection but how could she help keep him safe if he had just left with no detailed explanation.

Sirius said he was going to get Harry but they had no idea of what that entailed? They didn't want Harry hurt, they didn't want to get Harry back in some illegal kidnapping situation, so they just tried to find things to calm and distract their minds.

There were a lot of things to be done in the house too, the Aurors completely missed clearing out the storage room upstairs, Y/n and Remus were scared to even go in there because they weren't sure what was inside, but they did need to clear it out.

If Sirius did manage to get back to them, with Harry or not, he would need a room, a hidden one like the storage room was perfect because then the Ministry didn't know it existed. Y/n stood in front of the door she had just opened and was hesitant before walking in.

"What's the worst that could be in there?" Remus asked with a laugh as he walked past her into the room looking around, "I didn't see any Dragon eggs at least."

"Thankfully." Y/n hummed as she picked up some of the bottles reading them. They must have been extremely lucky because every potion they found was just a regular kind, nothing illegal was stored in there. Remus sent the potions into the basement were Y/n was organizing them by alphabetical order and taking stock of what they had, they even moved the brewing station to the basement since they now had Y/n there who could actually put it to good use. Remus eventually made his way into the basement to see she had moved everything to one side of the main room, she had her arms crossed, deep in thought.

"Whatcha thinking about?"

"Well, we need more rooms and if we put a wall here and split this room in two, so the storage is here and then the far half over there can be a room. That way it's still attached to the bathroom down here."

"I didn't even know there was a bathroom down here."

"It's not bad actually, the cleaning supplies must have found it back when we cleaned so it's pretty nice." Y/n commented as she took out her wand and then looked at Remus for confirmation.

"I think it's a good idea go ahead," he encouraged and she smiled, silently casting spells and bringing up a wall, adding a door to match.

"Who do you think would live down here?" Y/n asked.

"If Bertram ever comes back I imagine he'd like living in the basement, if not we can always give him his room back and move down here," Remus suggested and Y/n nodded, pleased with that idea.

"Sounds great. So Basement for Bertram, Sirius can have the storage room once I fix it up and then we take Bertram's old room?" She asks and Remus nods taking out his wand.

"What about Harry?" He asks and Y/n's smile fades.

"We can worry about that if it happens, I'm not getting his room ready just to have him never come here, I've done that with Lily before and doing it again while being uncertain would hurt too much."

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