Part 3 - Wandless Magic

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Part Three- Wandless magic

A/N: this parts really sweet :') (also remember you can read and request drabbles on my Tumblr if you need MORE SWEETNESS)

Word Count: 2.4k

The morning sunshine crept in through the blinds, they used to be white at some point but were a stained yellow colour now with a layer of dust adding a hint of grey. The bits of dust in the air was visible in the sunlight, seemingly floating through the cheap motel room. Y/n woke first to find her fear from last night had become reality, she found herself pressed against Remus' side, her arms wrapped around his stomach. She questioned how her right arm even got underneath him, it was numb and there was no way she was getting it out.

Remus lied on his back, his hair covering his eyes blocking the light from the window. His heartbeat picked up, slow sleepy breaths turned to quick deep panicked ones. Y/n would have been able to notice this even if her face wasn't resting against the side of his chest. Remus started mumbling, he was clearly on the verge of some sort of panicked nightmare. Y/n poked his side, unable to detach herself from him it was a good idea to just wake him up. He had one hand in a fist at his side and the one that was lazily resting across her back was now desperately gripping the fabric of her pyjama shirt.

She poked his side again and let her croaky morning voice mumble his name to wake him, "Remus, wake up." His eyes shot open and she felt him tense against her. "Sorry to wake you, but we managed to get ourselves in a weird position and I was sort of stuck." She tried to casually explain their current entanglement, avoiding mentioning the fact that he was just having a nightmare.

She heard his heartbeat go back to normal before he sat up letting her arm free.

"Beds a little small I guess," Remus said, ignoring the fact that they clearly had enough space to themselves and giving a reason for whatever brought them so close in the night. "So what's the plan for the day, driving I presume?" Remus asked, immediately changing the topic, glad she didn't ask about his nightmare, he wasn't sure if there were even any visible signs that he was having one, but for him, it lingered in the back of his mind and brought a dreadful realization.

"I'll go get some breakfast to go and then we can keep driving."

"Okay," Remus mumbled and Y/n left the room walking about the motel happily in her pyjamas.

Remus grabbed his wand and changed his clothes again, made sure he had everything and then sat there in silence. Fuck, he was so fucked, he thought to himself, how did he forget, how did he let himself be so stupid.

Remus had just had a nightmare, the usual kind where he became a werewolf and had no wolfsbane or place of sanctuary to hide, the exact situation he would find himself in, in a little over a weeks time. How could he be so stupid so careless to let himself forget, to put her in such danger if he had forgotten any longer?

He didn't know what it was that made him forget, maybe it was the peacefulness that came from being close to Y/n, to being spontaneousness and feeling so free. Maybe he was so overcome by grief that he let it slip his mind.

He should run away, he should leave, he knew she would have enough money to make it back home safe, but the emotional damage it would do to her? He sat and contemplated what would be easiest, what would hurt her less. He could apparate to the car but was worried someone might see him since this place was filled with muggles, he looked at the dusty blinds and pulled their strings opening them as he thought out his plan. He unlocked the window and cracked it open, he looked at the motel room door to see it still closed and started to climb out.

Remus was running away, again.

Y/n managed to open the door with a coffee, Diet Coke and two muffins filling her hands, she was met with seeing Remus halfway out the window, and her heart jumped into her throat. "Remus, what exactly are you doing?" She asked, worried that she had gone too far with letting her unconscious self cuddle up to him last night, she made him uncomfortable and now he wanted to leave.

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