Part 6- Sunset

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SORRY I took a week break because I wasn't feeling very excited to post a new part... If ur liking this story please let me know! Also heck my Tumblr @swellwriting for extras like drabbles and such!

A/N: This chapter contains smut but it is clearly marked where it starts and stops so it's easy to avoid if it's not ur cup of T, please only read that part if you are 18+ thanks xx

Word Count: 3.4k

Remus woke up with Y/n in his arms again, no further moves had been made since he had dodged her attempt at kissing him last week. He never stopped thinking about it, how close she was, her slightly puckered lips and the mint chocolate on her breath. It haunted his dreams and he was worried he would talk in his sleep and make his adoration of her obvious.

She was none the wiser, since she tried to kiss him and failed the only thing she had realized was that she was in love with him, she made no new discoveries about his feelings.

He reached into the bag beside him and pulled out a chocolate bar, the crinkling of the wrapper interrupted Y/n's sleep. She blinked, rubbed her tired face on Remus still bare skin, weird how she was so cold in a giant warm sweater but he stayed warm regardless of what he wore.

She eyed his chest and stomach taking mental note of where all his now fading injuries were, she sat up slightly crossing her arms and laying them on his chest resting her chin on her hands.

"Morning, chocolate?" He asked, mouth full of the sweet snack he spoke off.

"Of course," she smiled, her tired eyes closing from the action. She made no move to grab a piece, just opened her mouth expectantly and Remus took the order, breaking the last piece in half and then placing one in her mouth and the rest in his own.

She hadn't noticed that it was the last piece though, she quickly finished eating it and opened her mouth again but Remus shrugged his shoulders a bit continuing to eat the last piece.

Y/n frowned and tapped her fingers impatiently on the skin below his collar bone, was she this close before? "You ate the whole thing!"

"Sorry Mini." He must be feeling better, he called her by her nickname and he wasn't one to use it often. Her heart fluttered at the sound.

"That was the last of our snacks too, wasn't it?" She questioned and he nodded, he noticed that one of her knees was pinned between his own, he wasn't sure when that happened but she was now basically on top of him. Her hands were against his chest and she could feel his heartbeat quicken, she noted the way his cheeks turned rosy pink as he looked from their intertwined legs and back up to her eyes, her face was closer than before.

She decided to toy with him further, maybe she should try to kiss him again and if he pulls away this time she will know for sure that he doesn't feel the same for her.

"Guess I'll just have to eat you then," she joked, her sweet and quiet voice making it worse for him.

Remus let out a squeak of a response, "Guess so."

Their noses bumped before their lips met, she turned her head slightly and placed her soft lips on his, one solid slow kiss. Remus met her for it this time instead of pulling away. Her breath and lips tasted like chocolate again, just like last time. He didn't initiate anything further, he laid there, hands idle and still. She pulled away from the kiss and he admired the way her cheeks rounded from how wide her smile was.

"Sorry." She said averting his eyes but he was quick to dismiss her bashfulness.

"No, don't be sorry, I just, don't be sorry." He tried to communicate his feelings to her but had never done such a thing before. He wanted to say that he liked the kiss, he would kiss her as many times as she'd let him. He wanted to say that he hadn't stopped thinking about kissing her since the last time he so foolishly pulled away. He wanted her to know that he wanted more with her, a life and a future and all the stupid stuff people who are in love do together, he wanted it all.

What do we do now?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant