Part 8 - lavender Honey

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A/N: Remus never gets tired of the dragon egg jokes, everyone else may be but he's no

A little bit of fluff, some stupid Bertram comments as per usual, some smut, and a cliff hanger ending all in one chapter!

Warning: This chapter contains smut! it is clearly marked and easy to skip if its not ur cup of T.
Word Count: 4k

Also Please remember you can check my Tumblr anytime @swellwriting for blurbs art and to requests stuff! Thanks for reading my story!

The angry pounding at the door continued as Y/n and Remus came to their senses. Through all the banging and yelling Bertram's door remained closed, either he was sleeping through this whole thing or he was purposefully ignoring it.

Y/n got up and stretched as she made her way to Bertram's bedroom door, unaware that he had locked himself in there since she hadn't read the letter he left them last night.

She tapped loud enough for her knocking to sound separate from the stranger outside. "Bertram, there is someone, someone very angry , at the door."

"I know!" Bertram whined, he was sat against the door listening and dreading having to face his problems, but at least he wasn't running away like Remus or Y/n probably would in this situation.

"Are you going to answer it? What do they want?"

"No! I won't answer it, can't you tell he is angry?"

"Well, I don't think he is leaving anytime soon."

"Just tell him I'm not here!" Bertram yelled in the same whiney voice, like a toddler.

Y/n got up and walked towards the door, she grabbed her wand from the floor beside the makeshift bed and yelled to the other side of the door.

"Bertrams not here!"

The person stopped pounding on the door and yelled back, still just as angry. "Bollocks he's not there, a course he is! And he is going to answer to me! He is going to open this damn door!"

Y/n stepped away from the door and looked at Remus who was standing away from the window even though the curtains were pulled shut.

Remus walked over to Bertram's door and knocked. "Bertram, he isn't going away. What did you do to piss him off so much anyway?"

"I don't know! Maybe I sold him the wrong potion, maybe I got the bottles mixed up, I do that sometimes."

Y/n sighed and placed a hand on her forehead, stressed with this entire situation. She turned to the door again and just repeated herself. "Look, I'm very sorry I wish I could help you but Bertram isn't here, I don't know what else to tell you."

"That's it, I'm going to report this to the police! And if they think I'm crazy I'll find the magic police, someone will make you accountable, there must be regulations for a business of this sort. You can't sell me a love potion that is actually a fire breathing potion and expect to get away with it!"

Remus peaked out the window and watched as the angry man stormed down to the road and got in his car speeding away and disappearing into the distance.

Y/n placed her head against the door, relieved to at least have made the man go away.

"Good morning." Remus joked as he fixed the blankets on the bed and flicked his wand transfiguring the bed back into a couch. "Fancy some breakfast?"

"Please." She groaned and they went to the kitchen to find some sort of food. Y/n sat on the stool against the counter and propped her head up with her hands watching Remus try to sort through the fridge.

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