Part 4- Uncommon Thieves

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Part Four- Uncommon Thieves

Word count: 4.2k

A/N: I really like this part!!! Remember you can requests drabbles/ ask questions about this series anytime on my Tumblr!

The small family restaurant they found themselves in was a perfect place for the two to work out their plan, or that was what was on Y/n's mind at least. While waiting for their food Y/n pulled out a map of the current town that they were in. She had gotten it at the front of the restaurant hidden under some old newspapers and coupons, it was a small town but she hoped it would have what they needed.

Remus was mindlessly doodling on the paper tablecloth but was interrupted when Y/n stretched the map out, whispering a few words making it shift into a wizarding version of the map instead.

Y/n skimmed her finger down the side, trying and hoping that she could find the potions shop easily. She took a broken crayon, circling the building on the map, she circled any buildings nearby and crossed them out when she deemed that they weren't threats. Next, she drew the fastest route to the forest that surrounded the small town. It was thick but she found a cleared area probably used for camping during the summer months.

"What exactly are you plotting?" Remus asked looking confused.

"Don't worry about it." She said smiling and folding up the map as their food was brought to them. She shoved a french fry in her mouth and took a sip from her drink before she noticed Remus was staring at her, "what?"

"Well, I would like to be let in on your plan you seem to be making unless you think you are getting around this town without a car or a driver before you run off into the forest by what it looks like."

Y/n giggled and leaned in closer to him, she took a fry off his plate and ate it before she went ahead explaining herself. "We need Wolfsbane yes?" She asked and Remus nodded so she continued on, "and we have no money yes?"

"Well, not no money." Remus trailed off quietly as she glared at him.

"Not enough for a week's worth of Wolfsbane. So there is a potions shop here, I heard people talking about it at the gas station, it's currently closed down because the person who owned it was apparently a Death Eater or a Death Eater sympathist and they disappeared after the war so it's been unattended for over two weeks."

"If it's closed how will we get the potion or the ingredients?"

"Well, I'm thinking since it's a small town they probably won't have Wolfsbane readily available, but they should have the ingredients and necessary supplies, so we could break in, steal what we need and then go to the forest on the outskirts of town and camp out in the car and brew the potion in the trunk. We should be able to accomplish that in time for you to start the first day's dose."

"You're fucking crazy, who thinks up something like that?"

"I do." She stated proudly as she shoved four french fries in her mouth at once. Remus looked at her, completely flabbergasted at the plan she came up with. They made a good team, or maybe she was just good for Remus to have around since she actually thought about how to solve problems instead of always running away from them.

After they ate they sat for a while in the car in the mostly empty parking lot waiting for the night to creep closer.

"You all had nicknames for each other right? I never got a one." Y/n randomly commented breaking the silence.

"Well, you weren't a Marauder. Lily didn't get one either."

"They called you Moony right? Makes more sense to me now." She said with a sad smile and Remus looked just as sad, it had been a while since anyone called him that. He just nodded in response. So she continued.

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