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She waited for Ricardo to join her for breakfast. He was supposed to be out here by now it was past 10.
He was still sounding asleep when she went to look for him. Was he alright? He had never slept in this late ever before. He was burning hot when she put her hand to his forehead.
“Ohh… God!” she gasped. Reaching out for his phone she unlocked it with the pad of his thumb and going through the contact list she dialled for Lambert. She wanted to take him down to the clinic herself but it will be impossible for her to carry him so she did what she thought would be the best at and called Lambert.
Lambert rushed into her room without a knock. How did he know about the password? Had he been here before too? Anything was possible when it came to this people but she no longer had anything to her privacy and she did not like it a bit. She was going to make things set right just like it had been before.
“How did this happen?” he asked and she told him all that she knew about but it was not much help as she herself was waiting for him to update her on his whereabouts. He examined Ricardo closely.
“I warned him but he just won’t listen.”
“What do you mean by that?” she asked bringing the ice water from the kitchen. Mrs- Sarah was on leave as she had to visit her sick parents in the other side of the country.
“It’s anaemia.”
“But he was fine until last night.”
“Are you sure?” he asked her and she had to question herself the same. Had she taken a better look at him last night she would have noticed?
“Will he be alright?”
“Make sure he has the rest, his diets and the pills.” He forwarded her the note but also said he will have them dropped by later.
“What caused it?”
“It will be better if he was the one to update you on that just make sure he takes the meds on time.” He seemed to not want to indulge in talking about this matter any further so she let it be.
“I hope has not been smoking?”
“He has been puffing a great deal of cigarettes lately.” He leaned in closer to her
“Get rid of them. He cannot get into that again.” he whispered so that his sleeping friend won’t hear a word he says. It was funny how they were friends yet he was afraid of Ricardo. Did he not learn the tricks to tame his best friend?
She took the week off as she did not know how much time was he going to recover in and Lambert told her to be prepared for the worse, as sick Ricardo was indeed a sic Ricardo. She waited for him to wake but he took his very sweet time. The clock read 11.43 a.m. She shook his shoulder to wake him up he groaned, turned around and went back to sleep. He needed to eat and take his meds. He needed to get back on his feet so she can pursue her plans. She poked his shoulder telling him to wake up and when he did she regretted the instant. His eyes looked tired and his face pale.
“What’s the time?” he groaned and she told him. He got up and off the bed only to stumble but didn’t fall. She sat him back on the bed.
“You need to rest.”
“I cannot afford that at the moment. I need to get back to work.” he breathlessly completed his sentence.
“I’ve already called in on your behalf and all the plans have been put on hold until and unless Lambert says so.” He looked at her in anger.
“Who Lambert?”
“Your Lambert.”
“I don’t know any Lambert.” Had he lost his mind as well?
“Your doctor Lambert. Remember?” realization hit him but he was alert all at once.
“How do you know him and why are you on 1st name basis?”
“Are you serious? You don’t expect me to call him with any honorifics or do you?” she asked placing the tray of food on the bed and preparing for his brunch.
“You can call him anything but he can only call you Mrs- Ricardo Wilde.”
She put the cutlery on the tray with a loud thump. Pressing her lips together not wanting to into any argument with him at least not until she has what she wants from him and for that she was willing to play along , also she had too many questions to be answered by him.
“Let’s talk later you need to take your meds too.”
“What meds?”
“Lambert prescribed some meds for you. You got anaemia and are running down with fever.”
“I don’t need those silly drugs. I am fine.”
“But your body needs it.” she tried to convince him again and again but he was one stubborn sicco and was not going to give in so she let it be as she had already mixed it in his coffee. thanks to Lambert for the heads up and he was damn right when he said her husband was going to be the his sic, it would have been 100% accurate even if said he was going to be one nagging annoying spoilt brat.
“Ask Sarah to take this out. I don’t need anything now.” He ordered pointing at the tray. He was not going to eat either? She needed to think fast and come up with something or the other to make him eat and take his meds.
“I waited for you to wake so we can eat together.” She said pretending to take the tray away but he put the tray down and pulled her on his lap. He was still too strong to be sick. His body was still warm but the better than before as he was burning. He kissed her on her cheeks then her neck making her moan. Her eyes widened at the sound of her own moan and she got away from him embarrassed of her wanton response. He chuckled at her action but was quiet the moment she sat in front of the bed, the tray between the both of them. Iris was having her breakfast for the second time this very day but what other options did she have.
“Where were you?” she asked taking a piece blueberry in her mouth, he stopped eating. Did she ask at the wrong time?
“It was a family matter. I’m sorry I didn’t inform you about it.”
“I get it.” was all she could say. He claimed to be her husband in every way bur still kept his family matters to himself. He was only lengthening the distance with all the secrecy. She gulped down the juice in one go and he took away the tray and placed it away on the bedside counter. He pulled her to him and kissed her wandering eyes that just won’t meet his.
“It is nothing to worry about. I took care of it all.” She nodded not knowing what else to say to him. He knew she was not happy that he was always too secretive about some of the matter but he did not want to trouble her in anyway. Letting her know about what happened in the past week will only thrust her into greater disappointments.
“I want you to meet my family.” He proposed not being able to think of any other way to convince her that he was faithful to her and that all that he was doing was for the best.
“I don’t want to.” she replied. “Why don’t you want to?”
“They are your family and it has nothing to do with me.”
“How does it have nothing to do with you? You are my wife, daughter in law to my parents.”
“If they are my family too then why do you have to keep me in the dark when it comes to your family.” She yelled at him and he could only gasp in tension. She was not going to make it easy for him was she? He cupped her face in his hands “I am doing what will be the best for you?” she pulled his hands away from her face.
“Will you never let me decided on my own of what is the best for me?”
“You can and you should but on this matter it is the best if you can wait on the right time.”
“When will it be the right time?”
“You need to trust me on this. I will let you know about it all, just give me some time.”
She said nothing in return. She was not going to ever be the way he claimed her to be in his life. She was his wife to protect from the invisible and the non-existing threats, to give him a namely purpose to strive to earn to warm his bed but he never did actually made her feel any of the sincerity a husband has towards his wife. He was just her husband in name and nothing more.
He noticed how she was here with him but very far away. She was never used to saying her mind in words but he knew she felt wronged. If only she knew what it did to him to see her this way and not being able to do anything to make her feel at ease. This look on her tormented him inside out.
“I will take you to where I was after I meet my family.” He said and that bought the glimmer back into her eyes. Then he knew she was still bothered with his whereabouts. Was she thinking of him being unfaithful towards her?
“When will we leave?” she asked all too eager but he needed to make sure of some things first.
“But you 1st need to answer my questions.” She nodded an okay
“Did you think I was going behind your back?”
“Maybe. Are you?”
“Hell No. what possessed you think of such absurd thing?”
“What else was I to think when all the sign indicated to It.” she defended herself.
“Your phone was off, nobody knew about your whereabouts and also you never left any messages for me. Won’t you have thought of the same as I did if you were in my place?”
“I am sorry I left that way but I never knew it was going to take me that long. Also I will never let any other man have the opportunity to sweep you off your feet as that is my duty to do so and I will each time I need to. You can never escape me.”
“Apologies should never be followed by a threat or condition.”
“But I meant each any word I say. Also you had me apologizing a hell lot since you became my wife. Lambert was right I am hopelessly whipped by you.”
Where did that come from? This man was totally sic.
“The next time I meet him I will make sure to assure him of how wrong he is… he kissed her shut. The taste of his medicated coffee was somewhat arousing her. Her wet tongue ran over his, his hand going under her shirt rubbing her smooth back and rising higher. He unhooked her bra. He groped her breast making her moan in his mouth. He pulled away from her breathing on her trembling lips, his fingers ever so slowly rubbing her nipples teasing her.
“He knew what he was saying and he was right. I am totally whipped by my little wife.”

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