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He had brought her to a secluded villa in the border of the state. It occupied a great plot of the neighbourhood and no other buildings could be seen from where they were. She quietly followed him in into the villa. There were men guarding every nook and corner of the property as it there was a very big national treasure kept in here. She noticed how urgent his long strides were and also she did not miss the blood stain on his bandaged hand. Had he been into another fight? No matter what she had decided to steer off clear from his path and stay unaffected by his doings or saying. The only reason she decided to follow him here was because it had to do with her parents. They came in front of a huge door and he stood still. Fisting his hand he turned and told her to wait here and that he will be out in no matter of time. What or rather who was in there?
It had been a long time since he went in and did not come out and she was getting anxious as to what was going in there in the room. Did he made her follow her here so she could be kept waiting out here? She saw figures approaching her from a distance and she turned to look at them. It was an elderly man with a fine looking lady. By the resemblance she could tell the lady was somewhat related to her husband. They directly walked in to the room leaving her here alone yet again. Could she also enter in there without causing any problem?
She paced back and forth when she heard a deafening scream come from the room. The door opened and came out Lambert in his doctor’s gown. Keeping the door open “You can come in now but I will warn you not to be alarmed by anything that you see.” She nodded and walked in to a bruised young lady holding onto her husband for her dear life.
Ricardo was running his hand through her head in a loving manner and that did not sit well with her. She had no idea as of who was related to her husband in what manner except for Lambert who miserably failed to separate the lady from her husband. The older lady stood by the bed crying and hugging the man she entered with, who was maybe, her husband? Ricardo did not notice her entering for the fact that she had been in here for longer than a minute and there was no one who thought it will be better to enlightened her about what was going in here or why she was here for.
The girl screamed dead again the moment she felt the nurse tugging on her gown which had risen up with her struggling. What had she been through? What was she going through? Iris’s heart ached at seeing any soul being tormented the way she was and without realizing she reached out to her and to everyone’s surprise the lady did not screamed bloody murder at her.
Ricardo looked at his wife and then to Selena in disbelieve. Iris was the only other person besides him at whom Selena didn’t react defensively. He was a bit at ease as he did not feel as helpless as he did before Iris came in; he pulled her to him and kissed her head. The moment he did that Selena pushed away from him and looked away turning her head as if she was looking for something or perhaps anything. She snatched the cannula away from her hand and was about to throw her fist at Iris but Ricardo was quick and he pushed her away. Lambert was quick and got hold of her pinning her bruised body down as she screamed nothing at her. Ricardo had pushed her away behind him, his chest heaving in anger at the fact that a soul tried to harm his wife with him around. It was no excuse enough that she was not in her right mind. He only saw red had in not been for Iris’s hand tugging at his shirt he would have done something unforgivable.
He dragged her out of the room and pulled her into his embrace, inhaling in her calming scent trying to sooth his raged soul. She hugged him back as her heart was contemplating as to be grieved for the other lady or to be scared at her reaction towards her. They did not notice the presence of other soul than theirs until they heard a clearing of throat and he groaned at the other person for trying to interrupt them. She pulled away from her and looks at the older lady.
“Ricardo. Who is this lady here?” she asked in an annoyed manner. He kissed Iris on her lips then turned to look at the other lady.
“Mother. She is my wife, Iris.” The lady gasped at his statement and she reached out to take hold of her left hand. The moment she saw the ring on her finger she smiled but quickly concealed it with a stern look.
“So you did not think of us as important to be invited to our only child’s wedding?” she asked and Ricardo was unaffected but it was not the same for Iris. She could not invite her parents as they were no longer with her but his parents were still alive. But given the situation in which they forgot married was not good to invite any one they knew let alone their parents.
“Mama we do not have time for this but I assure you you are going to love her just the way I do.” Iris looked at her husband in disbelieve. He did not have to make up thing just to keep his mother’s heart as it will only strain their relation once she learns under what circumstances they got hitched or how he had threatened her with Juan’s wellbeing, the only person who though of her human enough to care for her.
Before she could say anything to his mother Lambert exited the room and took Ricardo with him saying it was something he need his attention on. Ricardo left her with his mother saying he was leaving her in his mother’s care and left, kissing her once more on her cheeks whispering he will explain it all in a while. The older lady asked Iris to follow her and she did. Playing with the ring on her finger very so nervously. She did not know what was to follow or how she was to shield herself if the older lady decided to declare war at her as those rich mother-in-law did in the books she read.
They were in the garden and the first thing she asked was.
“Whose choice was the ring?”
“It was mine.”
“I had an idea of just what type of person you were the moment I saw that kind (emotionless expression) of ring on your finger.”
There goes her dramatic encounter with her mother-in-law of 14-15 minutes. As she had this feeling in her saying she will not be accepted as her daughter-in-law for all the expected reasons starting from her lack of parents etc.
“Let me ask you. Why did you reach out for Selena knowing how she was related to Ricardo?”
Thanks to her the young lady had a name to go by. The fact that it was Selena whom her husband rushed to dampened her soul even further.
“What is she to him?” was all she asked not interested in anything else.
“She was the one to be called Mrs-Ricardo. Will you fight for him?” the lady asked with a flame in her eyes so akeen to challenging stare.
Iris did not want to get herself involved with anything anymore. She had enough to last a lifetime. There was no reason to be trampled by anyone who did not thought of her worthy to be human so she said what will be the only truth and the only thing that will make things set in their own place.
“I won’t.”
“That is for him to fight for and he will.” There was no reson for her to fight for the unknown. she did not know how she stood with him at present. The only fact left was that the only way out of this marriage in peace was if he was the one to call it off. The more she fought him the more he will be bound to have his way with her. to give up was the only way she could win, when it came to Ricardo.
The smile on the lady’s face was a shock to her. She took hold of Iris’s hand and patted it.
“The only reason why I like you is the fact that you reached out for Selena even after knowing about how she felt for Ricardo.”
“Honestly I did not know she was Selena until you told me so and you don’t have to like me for the sake of your son.”
“Why? Does it not matter to you that as your mother-in-law I might pull up things to pull you apart?”
“If that is what makes you happy you most certainly should.”
“Are you not bothered by the fact that you should be trying hard to keep yourself on my good book?”
“I don’t. It does not matter to me if you like me or favour me or not. I will be here until and unless your son want’s me gone and nothing to do with me.”
The widened smile on her face only made Iris feel off as this was not what she was expecting. Iris was pulled into a tight hug then a kiss on her cheeks.
“Do you know how badass you sounded for that graceful face of yours. You just did something I wished I could do but never got the opportunity to do as my mother-in-law welcomed a orphaned nobody like me into her mutli-billion worth family with a warm embrace.”
“I don’t get just what you are trying to say.”
“I knew who you were before we ever met but pretended and it did turn out well. I was just faking it all.”
“Yes. Leaving the others the only thing I meant was how Selena was meant to be Mrs-Ricardo.”
“Oh… I’m sorry.” She apologized for God knows what. She patted her hand again.
“That was what we wanted but Ricardo never willed to do so. She was just like a younger sister to him and nothing more.”
“Why did you want her?” she asked curious of why things were the way it was.
“She is my best friend’s daughter but was orphaned at the age of 9 and since then I took her under my protection and thought it will only be better for her if she had someone like Ricardo to protect her even after I am gone. He was always protective of her since the moment I brought devastated Selena into our home. He had always been protective and caring towards her until today.”
Iris knew what she was meaning to say as she was reason for it all. The more she learned about Selena the more she had her feeling twisted into a knot which had no leads or end to.
Ricardo showed up in the garden too and sat next to her. pulling her in his arms.
“I hope my mother did not trouble you?” he asked kissing her head making her blush by the fact that he was showing affection in front of his mother.
“As much as my son thinks of me to be the typical horrible mother-in-law I am the complete opposite.” She said standing up from her seat and gathering her little purse. She came and pulled Iris straight up and kissed her cheeks  “I’m looking forward to proving my son wrong by being that very sweet mother-in-law that just might kill him.” she winked as Iris laughed at her comment. Ricardo kissed his mother’s cheeks and she walked away leaving the couple alone.

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