'Where's Dante?'

"Stop.Darren. Where is Dante?" I asked but he ignored me.

What happened?

Where was Dante?

Who was that in the car?

Was that Dante?!!

"Darren!! Drop me right now! Where is Dante?!!" I asked hitting his back and forcing him to drop me. He still didn't answer me. "Darren he's burning! Dante's FUCKUNG BURNING! Turn back!" I shouted.

"Don't scream if you don't want us dead today. That's not Dante. That's the driver-" Darren said but I interrupted. "Then where is he?"

"I don't know. When I woke up he wasn't in the car and the car was about to blow up."

"What?! And you didn't bother to check if they took him-"

"They wouldn't take him without taking us. Think before you say things rational miss Adams." He interrupted.

Then....did he leave us?

"Dante wouldn't leave us would he?....I mean he could leave me. But not you."

"That's why I'm not worried. We'll find him in the morning. For now, we need to rest. I know Dante. He won't give up without a fight. Wherever he is, he's safe. We on the other hand don't know where the fuck we are." Darren cursed. Never seen that happen before.

"How are we gonna sleep? Or heal our wounds?" I asked. "I took the first aid box in the car. We can use that. And I also took some blankets and sleep bags in the back." How dis they have that? They always came prepared for everything.

"What about the driver....what about his family?"

"He was dead when I woke up. He doesn't have a family, luckily. We will have his burial."

"Ok.....I sure hope Dante's okay." I said.

"Me too." He said and we both kept going.

Why did I care if he was okay?

Because I was building territory of course. I needed them to trust me.

It wasn't at all because I actually cared.

After some time, he dropped me gently on the ground and I looked at my body as he made a fire. The bullet stung each time I moved my leg. And the bullet only pierced through the upper part of my breast.

I still couldn't believe that happened.

The place wasn't so cold anymore when I felt the fire waves hit my skin. "Do you by any chance know how to remove a bullet?" I asked. He nodded and came up to me with the first aid kit.

He first stitched up my leg. It hurt like hell feeling him remove the bullet from my leg. Then he covered it up.

He wanted to start with the 'other place'. "Wait....I can't let you touch me there." I said stopping him.

"Can you do it yourself? It's either that or no one's gonna do it." He said.

"Don't worry. I'm more concentrated on taking out the bullet than on your body."

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