I will always be there when you need me

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Seungcheol looks at the ring and smiles lightly. The gold ring has a small ball of peridot on it and Seung on the left and Cheol on the right. His name and his birth stone. He wonder how much Jihoon spent just get that made and don't even get him started on the new watch. How did he get peridot crystals around the center on the watch?!

Seungcheol can't believe it.

He stands up and walks to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for himself because Mark didn't come home the previous night, no surprise there. Entering the kitchen, Seungcheol pauses and decides he wants to eat out, but not alone.

Walking back to the living room he picked up his phone and calls Joshua. The soon to be Jung picks up the phone on the fourth rings because they have learned to ignore Seungcheol's calls until their ring tones starts over.

"Hong Joshua at your service" Joshua's voice resonates through the phone. Seungcheol rolls his eyes and grunts annoyed.

"What are you doing at the moment?" He asks.

"Heading to Spring cafe for my breakfast because both Hoseok and I are too lazy to cook" Joshua responds confusion lacing his voice. "Why?"

"Wait for me there, I need some advice and well breakfast" Seungcheol says before hanging. He quickly grabs his car keys and house keys before running out of the house towards his car and put of the drive way.


Junhui joins Minghao and Jihoon in the living room with his PC and excitedly sits between the two. Minghao pauses mid-sentence and looks at his boyfriend with an amused look. Jihoon just rolled his eyes.

"Some days I wonder if you have a off button Jun" Minghao says and Junhui shrugs. "What's happening?"

Junhui opens his PC and signs in. Quickly opening his documents he click on the folder titled the 'Vacation' and it suddenly dawn's to the other two that; Junhui is done planning their death. Their eyes widen and they give the boy their full attention.

"You actually went through with the planning" Jihoon comments and Junhui nods happily with a silly smile on his face. Looking like a child on Christmas day.

"Alright, let us have it, What'd you plan?" Minghao asks, giving up already before the fight even begun.

"We are going to Dubai! I know it was not on the list of countries I suggested but like it was unlimited. Anywho, There is this underwater hotel that I absolutely fell in love with and I think we should check it out, by 'I think' I mean you two have no choice. I have already booked the stay; Thank nations for Hotel Trivago, saved my time and energy. I booked the tickets as well, we leave in two days so start packing people and uhm what else?" Junhui pauses to think. Jihoon and Minghao are just nodding knowing they did not even get half of what he said.

"Yes what else?" Minghao asks as if to say 'there has to be more are you fucking kidding me?'

"Oh yes, activities will be a surprise but I promise you will love them! Well most of them at least. Well I think you will love them but that's not the point." Junhui says and runs off excited.

"We are going to die, it's a fact"

"Oh you know it"


Seungcheol takes his place on the chair across Joshua's and sighs sadly. Joshua takes this time to observe the man, the first thing that immediately catches his eye is the watch and ring. He remembers Seungcheol opening the presents and almost bawling his eyes out, but couldn't because of how shocked he was.

"Hey Cheol, just exactly who gave you those expensive looking accessories?" Joshua watches as Seungcheol looks at the necklace and ring with so much emotion and he has only seen that look come across his best friend's face when he was with Jihoon.

But Joshua doesn't want to draw his own conclusions.

"That's what I want to talk to you about actually" Seungcheol says and Joshua leans foreward putting his hands on the table to give his friend his full attention. "Uh, you see... How do I say this?" Seungcheol mumbles to himself.

"Jihoon is back in your life?" Joshua asks to save his friend from the guilt he will surely feel after saying and realising what he just said.

"Yes" Seungcheol answers nodding his head. "Yes, he is and I have to admit I fucking missed him. Is that bad? To miss your ex?" Seungcheol asks as if all of this is new to him. Seungcheol the same man that was so stuck on his now current boyfriend for the past two years that they have been apart, the same man that left a person who devoted his whole year to him, the same man that promised himself to never love another... Is asking if it's bad to miss his now current ex?

Joshua is amused.

"You are asking me, if it's wrong to meet your ex? Really?" Joshua had to ask, he just had to ask. He then watches amused as Seungcheol pauses and thinks about what he said and sighs. "Did you get the flaw of your question?"

"Yes. It's just I didn't think I would feel this way about Jihoon you know. I mean the first month with Mark I was so happy and giddy and loving the fact that he came back and loves me still. Then the from the second month all I can do it see his flaws and how different he has become, how he is not the Mark I have fallen in love with, how he is not anything like Jihoon. I compared them Joshua, everything Mark does, In my head Jihoon has a whole different way of doing it, a way that I love more. It's angers me!" Seungcheol says and Joshua gapes.

This guys say what?

"What?" He breathes out. Seungcheol looks down as if disappointed by his own actions and Joshua has to shake his head to hopefully process things faster.

"Yeah it's bad, yes it's shocking and yes Joshua, it's happening" Seungcheol says watching as Joshua's features morph from shock to his calm self. "I don't know what to do anymore" Seungcheol says dropping head on the table with a 'bang' that got them looks from the customers present.

"You are acting like a teenager" Joshua deadpans and Seungcheol groans. "Really Cheol?"

"It feels like high school All over again. When I wasn't sure of my emotions" Seungcheol says lifting his head. "I don't like it"

"You aren't supposed to like it. You are supposed to figure it out. Okay, I took this from 'why did I get married'–"

"I'm sorry, what?" Seungcheol cuts Joshua off in disbelief. Joshua rolls his eyes at his friend before nodding.

"I am getting married soon. You best believe I am going to need all the advice I can get" Joshua says and Seungcheol smiles nodding in what he believes to be understanding. "Okay, so like take two papers, one for Jihoon and one for Mark. On one side write down all the good that each of the have done for you and on the other write down all the bad. If either one has more bad than good when compared to the other, then you have to leave them" Joshua says and Seungcheol frowns

"Will it work?"

"It will if you stop think about Mark as the one you are meant to be with"

I am sorry😔

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