Move, dont you get comfortable

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It has been a month since the opening of Bangtan. The restaurant/café has been on full swing since then. Even though Jihoon doesn't make a visit to it most of the time, he at least makes effort to go there once a week. So it's safe to say he has only been the three times after opening. A great friend he is.

"I found an apartment" Jihoon interrupts his brothers conversation. They are sitting in Shining Diamond Café. Each having their usual drinks in their hands. They chose a new space, a table of Four near the bookshelves slightly under the staircase and out of view.

Chan stops slurping his drink and looks at his brother. "Huh?" He asks and Jihoon shrugs. "No, don't shrug, when?" Chan says putting his drink down.

"Two day ago. I visited the place, it is a nice house and I have enough space for myself." Jihoon says. Seokmin sighs in relief.

"Oh thank Heavens" He exclaims. Jihoon looks at him offended "oh no, don't get me wrong. I love you, you are my brother, but have you seen my sitting room? It has your equipment and shit and you make music 25/8 and I need my space and silence to read my books" Seokmin explains. Jihoon shrugs again. He understands

"Where is this apartment?" Jinki asks. He knows Jihoon most definitely chose a place as far away from them as possible. Best guess, Ilsan. It's far from where all the brothers live since they live in Seoul city itself.

"Incheon" The oesophagus seems to have closed down as the Mocha went down the wrong pipe sending Jinki into a coughing fit. Yoongi looks at his little brother with wide eyes before going to help Jinki, patting his back. Hard.

"I'm fine" the words must have fallen into deaf ears because Yoongi is still slapping his brother on the back. "I'm Fine" Jinki says a little louder and hasher his time. Yoongi comes out of his daze and stops.

"Sorry" He apologizes. Jinki rolls his shoulders and takes a sip of his drink carefully this time.

"Wow, on the other side of Korea" Seokmin says and Chan gives him a look. Jihoon furrows his brows in confusion.

"I... No, it's just out of Seoul city. Not even more then 25 minutes out of Seoul" Jihoon explains.

"That means your house is like, what a three hour drive from our houses?" Chan asks and Jihoon nods moving his hand in a so-so manner.

"Two hours if a lot" Jihoon guesses. Chan gives him a blank look.

Does this fool get it? Chan thought

"I am not alone. Jun and Hao are moving in with me. They need a place to stay, that crappy hotel they are staying is... crappy"

Jinki and Yoongi relax. Chan and Seokmin pout. Jihoon takes a sip of his coffee.

"Incheon is so far"

"You are so unfair"


Junhui and Minghao are running around their hotel room collecting their things. Whilst Junhui just grabs them; with their hanger and all, Minghao does it more properly. Remove from hanger, fold and set in the luggage. So it's no secret that Minghao is more of the lady in the relationship.

"For the last time Jun, Pack not dump Pack!" Minghao yells leaving he clothes to go fix Junhui's. Junhui looks at his boyfriend with a blank look. He shakes his head. Bottoms.

"We don't have time though. It's not like we are not going to unpack them later" Junhui says sluggishly. He waves his hands around for fun. Minghao shakes his head.

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