Take my hand and save me

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Yoongi runs out of the car before Jeongguk can even park it. By the time Seokmin parks his car Yoongi is already banging on the door, yelling out his brother's name. The rest have to freeze for a second though, Jihoon's house is nothing like they expected. It was not huge or classic. It is a medium sized modern house with a large garage. The house looks like it has more to it inside then it does outside, but outside is more decorated then than any of the brother's houses and that says a lot since Yoongi's whole living room is practically at outside.

"Jihoon!" Yoongi yells banging loudly on the door "Open the door God damn it!" Jinki, who the boys hasn't noticed that he left, returns from the back.

"They're in there, I saw them..." Jinki says "...Just sitting"

Chan and Yoongi look at each other. The begin banging again, loudly, harshly and rapidly. The neighbors have their lights on yelling at them and The boys calm down to apologize, before they continue.

They left at around 3 am and They didn't see Jihoon.


Joshua, Vernon, Seungkwan and apparently Hoseok who just joined the group are sitting in Hoseok's house. The couple's in each others arms as they stare, with different emotions at Seungcheol. The Choi boy sighs rubbing in temples frustrated.

"Nah, Like don't you ever feel bad for your actions? How can one be so insensitive and selfish and just a plain jerk?" Vernon asks. Out of all the boys he is the least mad, he doesn't really know Jihoon by what the boy must be going through, he just doesn't want to feel it. Seungcheol turns to glare at Vernon.

"Okay, I know I am a jerk—" Joshua cuts him off by letting out a 'ha' In agreement. Seungcheol breathes in angrily "I know I am a jerk and what I did to Jihoon is..." Trails at a lack of words

"Stupid, dumb, mean, selfish, the worst thing you could possibly do, the most jerkish thing to ever be done by Choice Seungcheol, not something to actually talk lightly abo—"

"Okay Seungkwan I get it" Seungcheol stops the boy from continuing "But Mark came back for me, He said he still loves me and He came back. Do you know what that means, He has never forgotten about me, about us, what we had. I—"

"You and Mark make the perfect match" Joshua says. Seungcheol looks at his best friend. The sentence is holding so much anger, disappointment, hate maybe. The sentence just has so much disdain in it and Seungcheol never thought Joshua would feel that towards him. It hurts to be honest, a lot.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Seungcheol asks. Joshua let's out a harsh breath.

"I don't know, what do you think?" He asks. Seungcheol looks down. What does he think? He thinks his friends just don't get it, they don't want to understand.

"What do I think?" He begins "You guys are only thinking of Jihoon and how he is hurting. You are not thinking of me and how happy I am, I know I hurt him and I know ow he hates me and I was a jerk, But I am happy, I love Mark and no other and now he is back, you want me to lie to myself and just let go? Be with Jihoon even though I don't want to be with him? Isn't that worse than letting go? The earlier the better?" Seungcheol asks

"You think that's what we are and about?" Seungkwan asks. "You can't be more blind"

Confused Seungcheol looks at his friends. What on earth is their problem then?

"What are you guys on my case for?"

"We don't care if you go back to Mark. Stupidly. You left Jihoon hanging, no words exchanged, no goodbyes and you aren't even trying to be friends at least. He'll you are not even talking to him. You can't do to him what you did to Jeonghan, this time we can actually fix it. Plus, it has been three months and we haven't heard from Seokmin" Vernon says "I miss Seokmin"

The Lee Brothers: Jihoon's HealingWhere stories live. Discover now