Chapter 7

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"WHERE DID I GO WRONG?!" Oliver wailed. Since waking up from his fainting spell, he'd been absolutely inconsolable. "I TRIED TO BE A GOOD BIG BROTHER! I REALLY TRIED!" 

You on the other hand had been trying (futilely) to comfort the sobbing brit for the last ten minutes. "Shhh… it's okay Ollie. You are a fantastic big brother. Allen is just… Allen." You consoled. "He's an impulsive idiot and kinda a selfish jerk but-" Oliver cut you off with another wail.

"I RAISED A GIT! AN ABSOLUTE PRAT!" He continued before breaking down into general sobs. 

You looked to Francois desperately, who had still been silently smoking his cigarette the entire time. The man was like a damn chimney. 

Francois sighed and rolled his eyes. "Oliver, this is pathetic. Pull yourself together. If you're really that upset, taking it up with allen would be much more effective than sitting here crying about it. Though I personally don't see what you are so upset about. So he cheated. Who cares? I do it all the time." 

Oliver gasped. "FRANCOIS BONNEFOY! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO ALL THOSE NICE YOUNG LADIES! YOU ARE A TERRIBLE INFLUENCE ON OUR BOYS! NOW I SEE WHERE ALLEN LEARNED IT FROM!" He yelled, forgetting his sobbing as he prepared to launch into a lecture. 

You stopped him though."He did make a valid point though. You should talk to Allen instead of just letting it upset you."  You said quickly, saving Francois from a lecture. 

Oliver sniffled a bit before speaking. "You're right! He suddenly got a very determined look on his face. "Yes… Yes, that's what I'll do! I'll- I'll give him a what for!" He said before whipping out his cell phone and angrily scrolling through his contacts. It rang for a moment before Allen could be heard going "Hello?" And with that, Oliver went off on the unsuspecting american, telling him exactly how absolutely ungentlemanly and disrespectful he was and how he was that you were as good natured as you were to not have keyed his car or executed some other ungodly revenge on him. 

You and Francois snickered at Allen getting his ear chewed off via phone before the Frenchman nudged your arm. "So. What are you going to do? About Allen I mean. Surely you aren't intending to stay with him." Though his eyes were still dull and face blank, you and your situation seemed to have piqued his interest. 

You sighed. "I'm not sure. I honestly thought he would have broken down by now." You said, biting your lip a bit in thought.

Francois snickered. "Then make him. Make him lose your bet."

You blinked. "Okay… but how, exactly, do I do that?" 

Francois rolled his eyes. "I suppose I must spell it out for you? Seduce him. Use your womanly charms or whatever." He explained before taking a long huff of his cigarette. "Seems rather obvious, non?" 

You looked at him for a second the idea whirling about your brain. "Francois I could kiss you right now, but that would be weird. I gotta go. Tell Oliver I said thank you for the sundae!" You said, standing from your seat. 

Francois gave a curt nod. "Oui. Good luck." 


Two days later, and after a quick stop at a few stores,  you were ready to initiate your evil plan. 

You had never really had an interest in learning yoga, but now, armed with a yoga mat, a sports bra, and booty shorts, you were on a mission. A mission of seduction. 

You rolled out the yoga mat in the middle of the living room floor and got into you first pose; downward dog, knowing Allen would be home from Matt's house any minute. 

Just then you heard the door open and close, followed by a loud wolf whistle. "Damn babe! Face down, ass up, amirite?" Allen said with a huge smirk, very openly staring at dat ass. "Since when do you do yoga?"

You inwardly smirked. This was going exactly how you hoped it would. 

"Since now. Now that I'm off work, I need a hobby. I figured I'd give this a try." You replied. 

Allen nodded, eyes still glued to the booty. "Well, I definitely approve. This is fun for you and me."

"Good. I  mean i didn't really need your approval, but it's nice to have it I guess." You decided to switch up positions so allen wouldn't get suspicious and stepped your leg forward and sunk down to elbows in lizard pose; which still gave allen a great view. 

Allen gave a little shrug before settling on the floor beside you to watch. "Wow. That actually looks like it would feel kinda nice on the hip flexors. Mind if I join you?" He said, mimicking you position perfectly.

Your eyes widened. Shit. This was not part of your evil plan! 

Allen sighed a little as he sunk deeper into the pose. "Oh yeah, that feels great. Especially on the hamstrings. It's been a while since I've done yoga." 

You mentally facepalmed. Of course Allen did yoga! He was a fitness junkie after all. You'd be surprised if there was a form of exercise he HADN'T tried. You should have seen this coming. 

Still you weren't about to abandon this idea entirely. You switched to the other leg and held it for a moment, Allen following suit. Shit, he wasn't even looking at you anymore, too focused on his own pose. 

You decided to give it one last go and switched to your ace in the hole. Happy Baby. You flipped onto your back and grabbed your legs spreading them wide. If ever there was a pose that screamed "bang me" this was it. 

Allen didn't even look over as he swapped over to this pose. Once he was in this pose he looked over to you with a smile. "You having as much fun as i am dollface?" He asked.

You had a blank expression on as you replied a bit salty that your plan had failed.  "No."

You started to get out of your pose. "Actually I don't think that yoga is the hobby for me. Have fun Allen." You said, walking to the bedroom to pout and plan your next move. 

"Namaste babe." 

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