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"I'm glad you're alright now." Jane gave me a glass of water before sitting down on the bed.

"I don't feel happy about my condition. It's like I'm scared to sleep." I had slept for days now but it would last from 7 to 12 hours. It was frustrating that I had limited time to do my stuff since I have Narcolepsy. Mother had visited me 2 days before Jane arrived from England. Jeno had visited me repeatedly, sometimes with Jaemin or the others or him alone. It was just time beating the clock for me to get discharged.

"Where's Rae Lin? I texted her to come." Jane fixed the flowers she bought on a blue ceramic vase. It worries me a lot for Rae Lin, she hasn't been keeping in touch with us. Like what Taehee said, her cellphone can't be reached. "Are—Jane." Jeno stopped in his tracks as he saw the tall girl glaring at him.

"Jeno, what are you doing here?" She crosses her arms with her signature bitch look. He shakes his head as he placed the basket of fruits on the round table. "Trying to court your best friend." He purposively coughs as he turned to me and winked quickly. I slightly blushed and looked away, I should be mad but he's too good in his game. "Since when did you like Areum? she hates you." Jane couldn't stop herself but threw him questions.

"Jane.." I pulled her arm to stop blabbering at Jeno. Jane looked at me and changed her expression. "Are you really gonna let that prick date you?" She sarcastically said. I chuckled softly as I observed Jane's shock mode. It was just a matter of time, she was at the point of questioning of why we are friends.

"If that's the case, take care of her." Jane cleared her throat and moved away from the bed. I shake my head as I glanced at the confused Jeno. He walked towards me and sat on the bed.

"How are you feeling?" He asks softly as he held my hand. "This is just weird." I covered my mouth to avoid laughing. "What is weird?" His smile gives me the butterflies in my stomach. I sat properly and looked at him. "You being concern about my welfare." Blood flooded my cheeks.

"Get used it to." He flashes a playful grin which made me slap his shoulder. "Yah!" I'm still injured you know?" He winces in pain. "Omo.. I'm so sorry Jeno!" I patted his head. I totally forgot that he still have his wound. Jane was on the phone and went our of the room.

"Jeno.. Jeno-ah.." I tugged his blue flannel but he won't look at me. I stopped and pouted. He snickers softly and moved closer. He quickly pecks on my forehead before caressing my head. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks with confidence.

Our eyes locked for awhile. "You idiot!" I threw a pillow at his face. "Oof!" He missed the chance to counter the pillow and was hit directly on the face.

"Yes." I said softly.

"What?" Jeno placed the pillow on my lap with a smirk on his face. "I said yes. Do you want me to repeat—"

His arms wrapped my body immediately. He giggled endlessly and buried his face at the nook of my neck. "Yah, you're taking advantage of this." I murmured. He let go and smiled from eye to eye.

Jeno stayed with me for hours until Taehee and Jane returned. They had suspicions when Jeno left the room since he was asked to go home for an urgent meeting. "What is happening?" Taehee asks as she puts down her leather bag.

"I wonder too, Taehee." Jane eyed me.

"Go on ask." I laid down my walls just for them to ask. The two of them exchanged glances before asking. "What's the real score between the two of you?" Jane was quick to ask.

"You've been real close with Jeno since you were in school and now he was saying was currently courting you.." She adds which made Taehee hang her mouth open.

The two females were strangled by curiosity. I'll them be for they'll find out anyway. "I'm getting discharged tomorrow so I can go to school by Monday." I told them the good news I've gotten so far. They both jumped for joy.


"Thanks for helping us, Chenle." Taehee smiled at the orange haired boy. Chenle just smiled at his classmate as he placed all the stuff inside the car's trunk. "Are you sure.. maybe it's a bother." I stood beside Taehee as I watched the boys placed all the stuff. "It's alright. Chenle volunteered before Jeno did." Haechan chuckled as he got inside first. Taehee's expression changed and went to poke Jaemin's shoulder. "Where's Renjun?" She asks with her eyebrows knitted together. The silver haired boy gulped softly and grinned sheepishly. "He's grounded actually for crashing the car he used last time at a huge tree." His statement shocked everybody.

"How come I didn't know.." Taehee said it under her breath. "Master Chenle, we're set." The driver announced as he went inside the vehicle. The others went inside. I sat in between Taehee and Jaemin while Chenle was at the back with stuff. "Chenle, are you sure staying at the back?" I was concerned because he is the owner of the car. "Noona, it's fine." He grinned at me before glueing his eyes on his phone. Haechan took the passenger's seat in front and the car drove straight to the campus.

"Unnie, I'm going to cook for you." Taehee giddily said. "That's cool—"

"I thought we had a deal about this?" Jaemin butt in our conversation with an angry tone. Taehee rolled her eyes at him which was new for me. "I'll tell Renjun about this and I bet—"

"Bet what?" Taehee turned to her senior with a fierce expression which made Jaemin speechless. "Okay, you cook but I'll buy dessert." He said.

"Deal." She smiled devilishly and faced in front.

We arrived in the campus a bit late than we expected due to the heavy traffic. "It's kinda 4pm." Chenle looked at his watch. The car left after placing my things down. We started climbing up the stairs and went to my room.

My room was a bit dusty and I'm surprised it looked still looked clean than the usual. "You should thank Jisung." Taehee whispered behind me. "He volunteers sometimes to clean your room with me." She adds which melted my heart. Jisung is a precious bean. I sat on the couch after putting my things inside the closet.

Taehee went back to her room to keep her stuff also since she's been watching me over for 4 months the most. Haechan and Chenle sat on both of my sides while we were watching a random show on tv.

My eyes started to feel tired but I tried to stay awake until the others came back from their errands. "Areum, why do you like Jeno?" Haechan asks out of the blue. My head immediately turned to him as he stayed focused at the tv.

"It just hit me." I shyly answered. "If you only knew, he was waiting for this to happen." He adds as he turned to me with a cheeky grin.

"Took hyung 3 years—"

"Yah! Chenle shut up!" Haechan interrupted the younger male beside me. I began feel flummoxed about what Chenle accidentally blurt out. I decided not to pry because I know how Haechan reacts.

Taehee went back after dealing some stuff in her room. "Did they come back?" She asks the two males as she ties her hair in a high ponytail. They both shake their heads at her.

Few minutes, Jaemin and Jisung showed up while carrying some groceries. They proceeded cooking right away because it was getting dark. I watched them enjoy themselves in my mini kitchen. It was so fun to see them fooling around.

I stood up and went to my bedroom. I opened the curtains to see the purple sunset. The colors were so beautiful. I breathed slowly and thought of the things of what I should do for tomorrow since my approximate hours that I'll be awake is 12 hours.

"Areum." I turned around and found Jeno by my doorstep. "You're late." I pouted as I walked up to him.

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