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I stand in front of the school notification board. I yawned and quickly walked to my first class. I was up all night from binging shows on netflix.

I didn't even bother to apologize to the guy I just bumped today. I am really sleepy. I know today is the first day of classes and made big mistake on sleeping late. I'm sorry to whoever I just bumped on.

I slid inside my classroom. "Areummm!!" I was bone crushed by two people: Jane and Rae Lin. "What the hell?!" I tried getting out from their hug but these two are just too strong.

"We just met last week." I said, catching my breath.

"We just miss our Areum—"
"We just wanna mess with you—"

The two exchanged glances at each other. "Busted." I walked past them to get to my seat. I chose the seat at the second to the last row. My best friends pouted at me to sit beside them. I stuck my tongue out as a no. I opened my backpack and pulled my school stuff.

My first class is statistics and I don't really like it that much.I could hear yells outside of our room. Our classmates began wondering so they went out.

4 boys came inside. They awfully look familiar. Where did I see them? They have colored hair which makes them the eye candy of all guys inside the room. They all went behind me. A blond one sat right behind me and talks noisily. I sighed and pretend they weren't here making a fuss.

All the girls seemed like to enjoy their noisy presence but I didn't. I was so ready to move away until our teacher came in. I just sighed again because I know I'll be stuck here for an hour. The teacher did gave us small tasks. I was too preoccupied with my tasks until someone passed me a crumpled paper.

Areum, you better hide during recess.

I glanced at her and squinted. "Why?" I mouthed. She pointed at the left side of the classroom. The girls glared at me. I feel holes on head, burning. I resumed doing my tasks, who the fuck cares about having to sit in front of these noisy people.

Statistics ended and English is coming up. It's only an hour before recess. I don't mind these girls glaring because I know I have no connection with these rascals who keeps throwing gum at each other, geez.

I felt a thud on my head. The noise evaporated into low snickers from behind. I touched my head while turning my head at them, glaring. A blond one was just smirking around. I'm going to snatch that smirk you freaking idiot. I faced in front and glared back at those girls who glared at me earlier.

I wasn't having the best first day of class experience. It was a lot worst that I have these idiots behind me.

English was postponed because the new teacher didn't bother to get in. Recess came in and my best friends were protective so they dragged me away from my seat, along with my things. We ran to the rooftop.

"It doesn't make sense, why would they be mad at me?" I yanked my arms from their grips. "They're in love with the dreamies!" Rae Lin exclaimed.

I raised an eyebrow. "Dreamies?" I repeated.

"Well, those guys are the Dreamies." Jane explained how freaking rich they are and well known in the campus. Huh? How come I've never heard these guys? Strange.

"I don't fucking care about their status, wealth and fan girls. I just wanna be a normal student with a normal life." I clarified that I won't be getting into that mess. My best friends are doubtful.

"What? You think I'll get bullied by those? no way." I yelled at them. "You're a fighter, Areum but you can't fight for long." Jane said.

"I have you guys and you are exaggerating everything with the girls hunting me down, threatening me to leave those guys alone. Fine, I'll go away." I threw my hands in the air in emphasis of their overly done concerns. "You don't really know how those girls work since you don't pay attention." Rae Lin placed her arms on his waist. I sighed and looked at them.

"No matter happens, we'll be here for you." Jane patted my shoulder. "I'm just worried if those girls will swarm at you any moment." Rae Lin soften her expression.

We made a decision to drop by the canteen before going back to the classroom. It was noisy as usual. Rae Lin's grip tighten around my arm which made me glance at her. Her expression stiffen into a worrier smile. I looked at one of the lunch tables and found her highness. She looked familiar but I couldn't remember who she was. I continued walking to get some snacks.

"We just made eye contact with her." Rae Lin seemed panicking. Is she afraid of that girl? I picked a small milk carton and bread. I was next to pay for it and then suddenly someone snatched the milk from my hand. "What the hell?!" I looked at the person who snatched it: it was the smirking blond guy behind me. "Thanks for saving it for me." He winked and sprinted away from the cashier.

"You're still paying for that milk." The cashier lady said. I glared at her as I slammed my money on the metal counter. "Here." I left with a bitter smile. I could feel my blood boiling as I passed by his table.

He glanced at me with his signature smirk. I would freaking love to hit you with a chair, asshole. I found a vacant table and waited for Jane and Rae Lin to sit. "Girl, I saw how he just snatched your milk." Jane trying hard not to laugh. "I'll murder him." I grunted.

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