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It's been a week after writing the journal.

Jeno has been conversing with me lately. It wasn't those 'go away' type of conversions. It was something that I could say it's pretty normal. "Areum! You should pick the blue one." He pointed on the hoodie I wanted to buy which had different shades.

"The gray one looks so cool.." I was uncertain.

"How many colorful clothes do you even have?" Jeno looked at me as if I was making the wrong decision in my life. "I have less than 10? I don't know.. most of them were dresses that I rarely wore." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Then buy the blue one." He makes a gesture, emphasizing that I should go for the colored one than the gray. "Why are you insisting that I should buy the colored one?" I raised an eyebrow at him. He went silent and sighed.

"You asked me and it's not good to have limited colored clothes." He defended as he pointed at the magazine.

"Hello my friends." Jaemin greeted us with his smile. "Hi." I waved at him. Hearing Jaemin saying hello or hi to me was a routine already. I would begin to worry if he doesn't say a word to me throughout the day. "Seems like the hatred between you two have evaporated." The silver haired boy sat on his chair and smiled at us teasingly.

"No!" We said in unison.

"Oh tell me about it?" Jaemin started to laugh that we both stood up and strangled him. Everybody noticed but we didn't stopped. The poor guy was desperately asking us to stop.

I never thought being with them is fun.

The day rolled over its end. I got a call from my mom who's living a bit far from the school, this why I opted to stay in a dorm.

"How are you feeling?" Mom's voice was soothing to hear.

"Kind of okay. How are you doing there?" I asked other questions about her and living alone in a small city apartment. She works as a store manager in a small retail store. I only got in the school by a scholarship.

"Please don't feel weak. Be strong darling." Her words were always that way every time we ended the call. I passed by the club room and saw no one but Jisung. "Jisung-ah? Where's Jaemin?" I asked the tall freshman as he turns his head towards me. "I-I don't know where he is, noona." He replies as if he was having trouble in speaking.

"Thank you! and have a safe trip in going home!" I left the room and jogged to the hallways. I opened my phone and texted him to where is he. He didn't replied. Weird.

I saw Jeno's other car. He wasn't driving it but he was being picked up by his driver. He took a glance of me before disappearing into his car.

I sighed and gave up. I went back to the dorm without seeing Jaemin. I was going to ask about his thoughts of the drafted script for the first 5 scenes. I saw Chenle by the other building so I waved at him lightly. He waved back before getting inside.

As I was going to my room, Taehee left a note on  under my doormat.

Unnie, I won't be around some time in the dorms because my cousin just arrived from the US. She wants me to be with her for the time being. I went home to my uncle's house.

—cutie, Taehee

"Aish, I'm gonna be alone for the most time." I sighed as I folded the note as I got inside of my room.

The days were getting fast as the lightning struck my grade on my Chemistry quiz. "I freaking don't like Chemistry, geez." I lumped myself on my own desk. I wanna go die and forget everything. Jaemin poked my shoulder. "You need help?" He was bending down as he smiles at me. "Does your tutoring need money? If so.. I bail." I answered which made him laughed.

"It's for free silly!" He ruffles my hair. "Yah! Don't mess my hair!" I sat up annoyingly and fixed my hair. He just continues to mess up my hair into a beautiful bird's nest.

"Just come by Jisung's house this Saturday." He said. "Why not your place?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "Hmm.. My dad are having his clients coming in and out of our house. I just don't wanna have any problems with my family when I bring a friend around." Jaemin was looked unsure about a friend coming over his house.

"Okay, whatever." I smiled at him.

He went back to his seat with a huge grin on his face. I glanced back at him but I was distracted with Jeno's glare all of a sudden. I slowly went back looking to the front. Why did I feel that I was  being watched the whole time I was talking with Jaemin?

I shook my thoughts as I focused on other important things.

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