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I stared blankly at the mirrors. I felt a bit calming in the silence with my own reflection.

"What are you doing here, Jen?" I turned around to see Donghyuck leaning by the door. "Aren't you busy flirting with the freshmen?" I joked which made his expression tighten.

"It's called being friendly." He sounded offended. He walked inside with his hands in his pockets. "Well, who got paired up with the girl who hates you so bad." He teased as he stood behind me. I can't ignore the fact that Areum hates me. I saw her since the beginning of high school but she still doesn't know until we became classmates in our senior year.

"Jun Areum." I sighed. "She's just a classmate."

Haechan chuckled loudly. "HA HA HA, liar." He mocked. "I know how you act and deny, Jeno." He wasn't even trying hard in saying. True, he's been my friend since middle school. Jaemin, him and I were in friends for the longest for I have known. I turned my back to get out of the dance room.

I saw girls following me every corner of the school. It wasn't new or anything. It felt like a routine to see everyday. I went back to the classroom to see if Renjun and Jaemin were around. Renjun was alone, reading some textbooks to prepare himself. I sat down and started writing random stuff.

I heard a book dropped on the floor. "Woah, Lee Jeno writing seriously for once." Renjun was either surprised or sarcastic about what I am doing. "I'm just bored, Renjun." He glared at him. He just scoffs as he continues to read other books. The day went okay. I got another chance to talk to Areum.

She wasn't boring but she is just reserved about her words. She promised to write for the first 3 days which is Monday till Wednesday. She'll give me the journal after 3 days and I also will do the same. The total of entries should be 30. We agreed on doing 15 each so the labor would be equal.

"We're set Jeno." She says as she jot down notes on her journal.

"Okay. I'll be expecting the journal next week Wednesday or Thursday." I stood up from the chair. She grabbed my wrist. I looked at her confusingly. "The rules too. No reading or writing on someone's entry." She reminded. I nodded lazily as I went back to my seat before dismissal.

Dismissal came in like the usual.

But this time, mother is picking me up. I saw her silver car across the main stairs. I sighed as I told the boys that I would be going home early than them. I opened the car door to see my mother in her expensive Prada outfit. "Hello mom." I sat down beside her.

"You dyed your hair again? You should really think about your hair's life span." It was not the reply I wanted to hear. I looked away as the driver drove us outside of the school. I wasn't close with my mom nor dad. I still respect them but I feel the distance growing in. I just wanted what other children had, affection.

but it sounded like a dream to me.

Is this the curse of being the prince in one of the districts of South Korea?

then I don't want to be one, I don't want to be a prince.


I heard my mother calling out name, echoing inside our dining hall. "Yes, mom?" I looked at her with wonder. "Your food is getting cold. Why are you in deep thought?" She slices her dessert, cakes. "Nothing. School, I'm thinking about school." I replied shortly. I was just half imagining if I abdicated my rank in my family. What it would be like? Free?

"You sounded serious about school? Did something changed your mind?" She asked as if I ate something poisonous. "It's my senior year, I need to do better." I explained why I needed a better record since I'm graduating from high school. "You don't need to work off for your educational achievements, you're a prince. Remember?" I hated how she says I'm a prince.

I never wanted to be one. Dad wasn't even a prince but a commoner.

"I just want to achieve something outside the royal agenda." I cleaned my plate. The maids were cleaning the table before I went to my room. It was clear enough I wasn't the best son she had.

It was Donghae.

My older brother lived as a prince but also a therapist as a profession. He really liked knowing how people acted. He loved the human essence.

I pressured to be as good as he is. I wasn't. I wasn't a dreamy prince who is a goody good. I loved dancing as much as I want to travel around the world. Mother wouldn't take me seriously with my dream. She just wanted another prince-like model as her own.

I opened my phone. Jaemin just texted me about my partner. I knitted my eyebrows together as I read his text:

Areum joined our club!
she's practically a good visionary
when it comes to directing.

how is that even
related to me?

im just sharing
what i have

u might like
her in the end

in your pitiful
dreams no way ew
she hates me
so no

u fool
u cant lie
to me

i aint lying idiot
plus she not my

I stopped texting him. I wanted to punch Jaemin when I get the chance to. Why would I fall in love with some girl who wanted me dead in the first place?

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