The little girl removed the stake from her waist and held it confidently in front of her face.

"Delia!" a white man with a British accent shouted in an annoyed tone, definitely not this girl's biological father. 

"I'll be right there!" she yelled back sweetly in her distinctive Caribbean accent, "I know I heard something". The little girl, no more than 8 years old, was sure she'd heard a loud bang during the train ride but couldn't investigate until the train paused at a station for a small break. Delia was a trainee slayer, rescued from drowning in the sea after the cruise ship her family were on sank after an accident. Delia was saved by a man who happened to work for the Order, he could have saved her parents too but let them drown. Delia was not aware of this. The little girl had been training for just over a year now, she knew she wouldn't become a true slayer officially until she was at least 16 years old, nevertheless this head strong and determined child was keen to get into the world of demon fighting as soon as possible. Her Order school reports all said similar things; 'Lots of potential but wanders off too much', 'far too adventurous for her own good, I never know where she is half the time', 'one of the best trainees without a doubt but I seem to spend most of my time calling for her because she's ran off somewhere again!!!'.

"Huh?" she uttered as she heard a small shuffling sound from behind one of the crates, she held the stake firmly as she approached.

Delia peaked her head around the large wooden crate and gasped when she saw the source of the noise, the little girl dropped her stake to the floor in shock and fear as a bloodied red head stared back at her, slumped against the corner of the carriage. "A vam- a v-v-vampire" she trembled, Delia slowly crouched down desperately patting the floor to find her stake, not wanting to take her eyes off Lisa. Fighting vampires sounded cool in the safe confines of a classroom but to see a demon in real life? A whole different ball game, future slayer or not, Delia was just a child. 

The little girl's breathing got heavier and heavier, beads of sweat formed on her head as she continued to scramble on the floor for her stake, she couldn't find it, she needed to look down, she needed to look away from the vampire. Too scared to scream for help in case the demon attacked her. Delia was terribly frightened but was still brave, she took a deep breath and quickly looked down at the floor of the carriage, spotting her stake near her own foot. 

Delia's hand shook as she picked up the weapon and looked back towards the vampire who had not moved at all, just kept staring. The little girl looked closely at Lisa, noticing all the blood, the cuts and the bruises. This vampire was badly hurt. Delia held onto her stake tight and shuffled closer to the blue eyed, fanged demon. "C-can you move?" she asked sweetly and fearfully. Lisa didn't respond. Delia noticed the vampire's hand twitching, "wow you're really hurt huh? What happened? Did you fall?". Again the Thai didn't respond. 

"My name is Delia" the girl said warmly with a smile, she knew vampires and slayers were enemies but she still had a heart full of kindness, someone who saw the good in the world, the vampire blood supplements she was forced to take had not yet corrupted this child's innocence. 

The little girl walked right over to Lisa and kneeled down beside her, "I've never met a vampire before. You seem sad" she said softly as she placed down a pack of cookies and a can of soda from a bag that hung from her waist band, "I know you probably only drink blood but cookies and soda always cheer me up when I'm sad". 

"Delia! Where are you? Are you here?" the British man yelled as he got closer to the carriage. 

Delia looked back at Lisa with fear, she knew her guardian would kill the vampire if he saw her, "I'm coming now!" she yelled back, "it was just a cat!". 

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