But ever since he made that marriage announcement three years ago, the daddy's girl in me suddenly grew up. I guess I never thought he'd actually give me up as a peace offering one day.

He nodded. "Hai, hai."

My father looked strong and healthy despite his age. Well, if he could train those men hard enough, he had to be capable of managing them.

I never understood why everyone was so scared of him because he always looked gentle to me... until we had that argument years ago.

He was stoic as a rock.

"You've been busy with a lot of charity work, I heard," he mentioned, without looking at me. He was busy pouring us some tea.

This is it. Time to drop the bomb.

I cleared my throat, before stating, "I've also been in negotiations with the Triple Tigers located in Busan for several months now. We reached an agreement two months ago and made our first trade last week."

It wasn't easy. In fact, it was near impossible.

Triple Tigers, the most notorious Geondal in South Korea. Their power and influence were almost one with the government that they were practically undetected. They controlled three of the biggest cities there; Seoul, Incheon, and Busan.

Their organization worked like a web, only those at the very center had the ultimate power. Everyone else was disposable. That was why no one could trace anything back to them.

Many didn't even know they were working for Triple Tigers.

These past couple of months, I had to endure racist and sexist comments all throughout our meetings. But I managed to keep my mouth shut and push through.

I had to prove myself. I wanted to show my father that this kind of deal was possible even without the official alliance. Most of all, I wanted him to see that if I could do this, there was no need for marriage at all.

"Impressive," he said, picking up his tea and drinking.

He didn't sound surprised. Did he find out I was meeting with the Triple Tigers? But if so, why didn't he stop me?

After putting his tea back down on the table, his eyes finally met mine. "I, however, doubt that you didn't receive any help."

I frowned in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"I trust you, Musume," he assured me, in that fatherly kind of way he did whenever he was being patient with me. "You are smart and very resourceful. I'm proud to call you my daughter."

I was about to turn into goo with his words because he never complimented me so much like this, and that was exactly why I sensed that what was coming wouldn't be good.

"But this is a matter that goes beyond your skills."

I knew it.

"This feud has been going on since before you were born. They won't allow an arrangement to happen as simple as that. You received outside help whether you know it or not."

"No," I disagreed, shaking my head and refusing to believe it. There was no way. "I did it on my own," I added, my hands turning into fists on my lap.

I wanted to cry in anger but I held myself back.

I wouldn't allow him to let me think that all that hard work was for nothing. It took all my willpower not to rip those bastards into freaking shreds whenever they talked shit about me and the things they would do to me if I wasn't a Yakuza Hime – in front of me. I had to stop myself from bursting into rage just so the deal would be made.

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