Nami and Buggy the Clown

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"Are you telling me that neither of you can navigate?" Zoro asked us confused.

"I never said that I couldn't it's just that Luffy likes to drift," I told Zoro with a shrug of my shoulders.

"What about you? You're supposed to be the holy terror of the seas!" Luffy pointed out and Zoro propped his head up with the palm of his hand. 

 "I don't recall ever calling myself that. Besides I followed a pirate I was after out to sea but I couldn't find my way back to my village. So I made the best of things, I went after pirates that were in the area. I had to earn money somehow." Zoro explained to us and I started to laugh.

"So you got lost?" I asked him trying to keep a straight face but broke into laughter again as he growled at me.

"You don't have to put it like that!" He snapped as I calmed down.

Anyways I know the basics of navigation but I'm not the best so we will need a navigator on our crew soon." I told the two boys as they nodded.

"Oh we also need a cook and a musician and a-" Luffy was cut off by Zoro.

"Those can wait!" Zoro yelled before calming down.

"Besides we don't need a cook since Kiyomi can do it," Zoro said as if I was his own personal chef.

"Excuse me? I am not your personal chef. I will cook when it is needed but not all the time so yes we will be needing a chef who I will help but I refuse to make the meals every day for you Zoro." I told him with a close eyed smile as the temperature around us dropped and Zoro and Luffy started to shiver. 

"Alright I'm sorry but please stop it's freezing!" Zoro yelled with clattering teeth and Luffy was growing icicles on his body.

"Oh good we understand each other," I told him with a grin as I made it warm again and they sighed in relief.

"Hey Luffy you're sister can be really scary," Zoro whispered to Luffy who nodded quickly in reply.

"I know I did grow up with her after all," Luffy told him before they both collapsed.

"I'm starving!" They announced and I glared at them making them shut up.

"Hey, there is a bird. Luffy if you catch it I'll cook it for us." I told him and he grinned.

"Alright! Leave it to me. Gomu Gomu no Rocket!" He yelled as he launched himself from the boat into the sky.

"Okay... What!?" Zoro screamed as the bird caught Luffy in his mouth.

"What the hell!?" I yelled in surprise.

"Help!" Luffy yelled as the bird started to fly away.

"You idiot! Damn you!" Zoro shouted as he quickly started rowing the boat after our captain.

"Faster Zoro!" I demanded and he shouted back at me.

"I'm going as fast as I can!" He said as he rowed frantically.

"Ahoy!" Some shipwrecked men yelled making me sweatdrop.

"Really? Shipwreck survivors at a time like this?" I asked myself.

"I can't stop! Just grab on and climb in!" Zoro yelled at them as we quickly passed them as they clung to the boat.

"Oh, you made it. Good." I told them with a giggle and Zoro smirked.

"Listen girly stop this ship. We are pirates of Buggy the Clown!" They demanded with swords pointed at me and Zoro with blushes on their faces from looking at Kiyomi.

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