I Like Him

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We finally arrived at the island with the Marine Base with the help of Coby who was navigating. We really need a navigator as Luffy is clueless and I only know so much. Shame Coby wants to be a marine. Maybe I should ask Grandpa if he will take Coby under his wing.

"Alright let's go eat!" Luffy yelled and dragged us to a restaurant called food foo and after eating we were discussing plans with Coby who began to cry. 

"We will be enemies in the future." Coby cried as I walked over to the owner asking if I could cook a meal myself and the owner agreed. Feeding Luffy is gonna be a hassle I should convince him to search for a cook who can help me.

"I wonder if Zoro is still being kept at the marine base?" Luffy asked and the restaurant patrons screamed.

"I guess we can't just say his name here Luffy," I told him while finishing up the food.

"I heard there is a captain Morgan on the base," Coby spoke up causing the people to scream again and I cocked my eyebrow up in question at their actions. I finished up packing the food in a bento box and we headed outside.

"What an Interesting place I should eat there again," Luffy spoke with a laugh while I hummed in thought.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Coby spoke up.

"I agree with Coby," I spoke up.

"Huh, you do?" Coby asked surprised while Luffy looked around the town with his hands in his pockets.

"Yes, I can understand fearing Zoro's name as he is a pirate hunter but fearing the name of a marine is different. Pirates usually fear marines, so why are the citizens afraid of a marine." I told him with my hand on my chin in thought.

"Maybe he did something bad," Luffy suggested and I nodded in agreement.

"No way!" Coby screamed in denial.

"Coby, remember not all marines are good just like not all pirates are bad," I told him as we arrived at the marine base.

"Huh, it looks pretty ugly up close," Luffy spoke up and I agreed with him as I jumped onto the wall.

"Monster, I wonder where he is?" Luffy asked as he jumped up with me.

"Over there," I said as I jumped down and pulled Luffy with me excited. "Come on Luffy I want Nakama already!" 

"I'm going, I'm going Kiyomi!" Luffy shouted as we moved to a different section and jumped up seeing the man we were looking for. He was tied up to a post and I tilted my head confused.

"Look at that person," Luffy said in awe as Coby backed off in fear.

"That intimidating aura. That's him. Thats Roronoa Zoro." Coby confirmed for us.

"So that's zoro huh. It looks to me like those ropes are pretty easy to break." Luffy pointed out.

"Stop joking around!" Coby yelled.

"No, Luffy is right. Those should be easy to break out of especially for that man. ButI also questions why he is tied up." I said with a glare on my face.

"What do you mean sis?" Luffy asked while tilting his head.

"What I mean is why is he tied up? For what reason? It's not illegal to hunt pirates. It is actually welcomed and preferred as it helps out marines." I hummed while staring intensely at Zoro.

"Hey, you!" A voice called and I recognized it as coming from Zoro. "Could you please come over and untie me? I've been tied up for nine days and I'm exhausted." He spoke with a grin making my eyes widen in surprise.

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