"I don't," Clint replied, clearly lying. "I haven't talked to him since the airport."

I squinted at him. "Hmm, convenient. You'll see me around. There will be more I need from you."

As I started walking away, Clint called after me, "I'm not sorry. That boyfriend of yours deserved what he got if he sided with you."

I paused momentarily before continuing. I wouldn't allow him to drag me down. The only person I glanced at was Wanda. She was still in the corner, looking worn out and absolutely exhausted.

I returned to the security room and greeted Nick. He kissed my temple and pulled me close. I stayed pressed against Nick for a few minutes before I pulled away.

Nick held the back of my neck. "You gonna leave soon?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I'm going to visit Rhodey."

Nick smiled down at me. "He's a good man for you. I think you two are great for each other."

"Thanks, Nick," I replied. "You aren't going to kill him if he hurts me, right? I like him too much."

Nick smiled at me. "No, not at all. I wouldn't break your heart. I like him enough to keep him around for a little longer."

I hit Nick on the shoulder, causing him to laugh. I hugged him goodbye a moment later and left. I got into my Quinjet and took off. Once I got to cruising altitude, I put it on the autopilot and started to rebraid my hair. As I did so, I got a call. I answered it and Tony's face appeared.

"Hey, Charlie," Tony greeted. "I have the blueprints for Rhodey's leg braces and I wanted you to look over them. I'm sending them right now."

A second later another screen appeared in front of me. "Okay. When are you planning on building them?"

"Soon," Tony responded. "I'm waiting for you to come back to start. I thought you'd want to help with it."

I looked over the blueprints and notes. "I like the design. Is Rhodey serious about physical therapy? He'll need it."

Tony glanced at an apparent screen in front of him. "Yeah, he's serious. He's doing really great at the hospital so far and is responding well to treatment. I think seeing you really helps him."

"You think so?" I replied. "I don't think seeing this old face would make a difference."

Tony raised an eyebrow at me. "He loves you, Charlie, and he thinks you're the most beautiful person in the entire world."

"I'm not, but okay," I replied slowly. "I'll look this over as I fly to the hospital. I can show Rhodey too if that's okay."

"Yeah, of course," Tony replied. "I want his opinions on the brace. Make sure to write them down or record them because I know your memory isn't that great."

"I hate you," I said. "I'll see you at the Tower, alright?"

Tony hummed and the call ended. I yawned and leaned back in my chair. I thought of my two best friends, Clint and Nay. I felt betrayed and hurt. They were the ones I knew the best and trusted the most but they went off to betray everyone they knew.

I shook my head as I got up to look through my bags for a picture frame. It was of Rhodey and I. We were at a party, all dressed up. I was kissing Rhodey's cheek as he smiled widely. I smiled as I looked at it. I wanted to put in Rhodey's room so he would have something there of his own.

I put the frame away before I got back into the pilot's seat. I took the time before landing to redo my hair. I usually had it in a long braid but I instead decided to put it in a bun. I had to put a lot of pins in it before it would actually stay in one place. In no time I was in Rhodey's room at the hospital. When I entered, he smiled at me.

"Hey!" Rhodey greeted as I sat at the edge of his bed. "I like how your hair is. It's in a different style."

I touched it gently, trying not to mess it up. "Thanks. I wanted it up and out of the way."

Rhodey started rubbing my arm, giving me a very loving look. "I think your hair is beautiful in whatever style you chose."

I smiled and then remembered the picture. "I got you something."

I reached down into my bag to get the picture frame. I handed it over to Rhodey and he immediately smiled.

"Thanks for bringing this in, babe," Rhodey said. "I needed to see this. This is one of my favorite memories, you know. I enjoyed myself a lot."

A small smile appeared on my face as I remembered that date. "I did too. We danced so much that my feet were sore for days."

Rhodey smiled. "I was in the same position but luckily we won't be doing much of that for a long time. If ever."

"Which is what I wanted to talk to you about," I said, leaning down to grab my tablet. "Tony and I are starting to work out the blueprints to leg braces for you. We want your opinions on it."

I opened up the tab that had everything on it and handed it over. Rhodey swiped through the pictures and smiled a little.

He looked up at me. "This is great, Charlie. I think this is a good idea."

"So you want us to start working on them?" I asked.

Rhodey nodded. "Please. I want to get out of this bed as soon as possible."

I grinned. "Great. I'll send Tony that you're in. We'll send you updates as we continue working on them."

Rhodey started rubbing my upper arm. "If it means getting out of this bed to dance with you, then I'll enjoy every bit of it."

I laughed. "Okay, lover boy. How much longer do you have in here?"

"Hopefully not that long," Rhodey replied. "I want to be home with you." He grabbed my hand. "What do you think about moving into together?"

I pulled away. "I don't think that's a good idea just yet. We just started dating a few months ago."

"So?" Rhodey asked. "I think it's a good idea to do in a few months once I'm out of here."

"I still need time," I said. "I haven't had a boyfriend in a long time and I'm not really the move-in-after-only-a-few-times kind of person."

"I think it would be easier on our financial situation," Rhodey argued.

"You're at your base most of the time anyway," I shot back.

Rhodey sighed, an almost solemn look on his face. "I'm sorry, Charlie. I thought it was a good idea and I shouldn't have brought it up."

I grabbed Rhodey's hand in reassurance. "It's fine, Rhodey. One day I'll be up for it. Just not now. My dad is pretty protective too and he wouldn't want that to happen just yet. Not like he has control over me or anything."

Rhodey nodded, looking down at our hands. "One day. Are you going to leave soon?"

I nodded. "I have a bunch of work to do with the added bit about your braces. I'll be back soon though."

A small almost sad smile appeared on his face. "I'll see you around, sweetheart."

I smiled back and got up to leave. I paused in the door to look back at Rhodey. He was staring down at his hands, a sad and lonely look on his face. I turned away, wanting to go back and hug him. He was lonely in his room. He rarely had any visitors outside of Tony and I. I wish I could do more for him.

Mistakes Were Made (Avengers/James Rhodes)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora