26: Him

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She called while I was working today and I told her I'd call her back. The girl I used to date had something to say that she just couldn't leave unsaid. Honestly, I didn't hate hearing her voice on the phone, even if seeing her name had given me a shot of anxiety. She stumbled with her words. I'm sure she had the whole conversation planned out in her head but was thrown off by me actually answering her call. She was out of breath. Said she'd been running. That was new. Nat never ran before, but I guess she needed to fill her time with something. I understood that. I'd been doing a lot of the same. New hobbies and extra work to fill my time.
Once I got off work, I gave her a call. Listening to Nat on the phone telling me everything she believed that I knew could never be true, I was just as sure as I'd been before that this relationship had to end. Things had gone too far. We knew too much. We felt too much.
It was surprisingly easy to tell the girl I thought I'd marry the month before that I needed to walk this next section of my path alone. Or at least without her. Things were looking up for my music and I knew no matter how much she wanted to change the person she was before, she wasn't ready to go along for the ride I was getting on. I had to leave her behind right now and she seemed to understand that. The last thing she told me was to call her when the day came I knew she was the one the way she knew I was. I wasn't sure that day would ever come. I didn't think it ever would. I told her, "I'll see you" and very slowly, she said it back and then there was nothing. Three beeps in my ear letting me know Natalie was gone. Maybe forever. But maybe not. Only time would tell.

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