Chapter Three.

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There was the sound of crying as I was being shook awake.

"Cassie, please. Please, wake up," Luci cried. I cracked my eyes open, yawning. I was suddenly being pulled into a tight embrace. I knew my arms were wrapped up because I could feel it around my wrists. They probably thought I tried to kill myself, which is what I really wanted to do, but I didn't.

"Luci?" I grumbled against his chest.

"Thank god, you're still alive. Cassie, what happened last night? You scared father and I so much," he said, continuing to cry. Father ran into my room with something before seeing I was awake.

"Oh good god, Castiel," he said, falling next to Luci and I, crying as well. They both hugged me tightly, crying. I stayed quiet in between them.

"What happened last night?" Luci asked again after a little while.

"Dean never came to pick me up. I waited until midnight. He had called me and he was at a party. He ditched me, Luci. I don't know what happened. I broke by the time it hit about eleven. I didn't know what else to do," I explained. It was true. I didn't know what else to do.

"Dean came by this morning, looking for you," father said, wiping his eyes. I sat up, looking at him.

"Is he still here?" I asked, glancing at the window.

"No, I sent him home after Lucifer found you," he said, grabbing my wrapped up hand. He pulled to his lips and kissed it. "I love you, Castiel," he told me. I nodded.

"I love you too, father," I said back. My phone started ringing and I reached over, picking it up to look at it.

Jess ‹3 :D

I answered it, hearing yelling in the background. "Jessica?" I said into the microphone.

"Castiel! Thank god. Dean came home last night at like one and I asked him how the movies went and he told me he didn't know what I was talking about. Castiel, I'm so sorry! Dean and Sam are fighting. Are you okay?" She said, quickly.

I stayed quiet for a second, debating on telling her or not. "I'm okay, Jessica," I said, deciding against telling her.

"CAS?! CASTIEL! GODDAMMIT JESSICA, LET ME TALK TO HIM!" I heard Dean yell in the background.

"YOU DITCHED HIM, DEAN WINCHESTER! STOOD HIM UP! IF YOU WANT TO TALK TO HIM, YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE TO GO OVER THERE!" She yelled back before the line ended. I looked down at the phone before between Luci and father.

"I think Dean is going to come back over," I whispered.

"Cassie, I'm not going to let him in if-" I held my hand up before he could continue.

"I want to talk to him," I said, earning a nod from both of them. They hugged me tightly again, kissing my head. They both told me they loved me and that they would be right there if I yelled. I nodded as they left my room, closing the door behind them.

I noticed they took the piece of glass away. Which was probably good, but I had others.

I waited to hear the sound of the impala. It only took a few minutes before I did. I situated myself on my bed, before just waiting for him to walk into my room.

About a minute later, there was a knock on my door, before it was pushed open. Dean appeared in my sight.

"Dean," I said, before he could say anything. I stood up, motioning to where I had been sitting on my bed.

"Cas, what happened to your arm and hand?" He asked, sitting down. I stayed standing, close to my dresser where the other pieces of glass were.

"It happened last night. I squeezed a piece of glass in my hand, waiting for you," I told him, looking in his eyes.

Losing My World. (Earning My Wings Sequel.)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें