Well, of course.


When it came to Shawn and me, I didn't know what to feel, think or expect. What I felt that night when I saw him kissing Isabelle, isn't really jealousy. It's just a feeling I can't yet point out.

But did I feel sad? Hell to the fucking yes.

So I was avoiding lunch again. I didn't go the cafeteria, I wasn't in the mood to face him. So I sat under the bleachers, looking at memes in my phone and eating my fruits. Half way in lunch, boredom got the best of me as I stood up and walked into our school building. I climbed the stairs, took a lot of turns till I found myself standing in front of the abandoned classroom where I fixed Adrian's bandaid, not so long ago.

Muttering fuck it under my breath I opened the door and peeked in. No one was here but I saw a pile of clothes, a backpack, boots. They must belong to Adrian. I don't think our balding janitors really wear boots and leather jacket.

I wonder what it feels like to be with him. Hang out with him. His vibes are so different. He's mixed with danger and excitement. My complete opposite.

But my dumbass knows, it would never happen. We just can't hangout with each other and not bite each other's head off.

The sudden ringing of a phone made me jump out in fright. "Holy fuck." I mutter under my breath. The sound was coming from the backpack. Adrian's phone was ringing and I didn't have any idea what to do.

But I couldn't just open his bag and take his phone out!

The ringing ended and started again after moments. What's the worst that could happen?

I opened the zip and easily found the pocket. James was calling, I don't know who that is. Before I could do anything I heard his voice call out for me.

"What's your problem Tara?" He appeared out of nowhere and yanked the phone away.

"Geez chill, I wasn't going through you porn collection."

Adrian narrowed his eyes on me. "You think I'm that type?"

I shrugged. "I don't know you." He nodded. "Exactly, you don't know me."

I spoke up after a moment. "But I have a feeling you know about me."

"You're right, I know enough. I know that you're a teenager who studies like there's no tomorrow because her mom pressurized her, she blindly listens to her best friend who has no idea what's good for her but she still does as he tells her to because he's the only person who knows her. Not the real her. I think you can never know someone fully. There's always a part of us that we keep secret."

"Th-that's not true. My mo-mom doesn't pressurize me." I tell him.

"So I got the rest of it right?" He cocked an eyebrow.

"Shouldn't have come here." I mutter. He chuckled at my words.

"That's the part I can't figure out. Why do you keep coming back? You should stay away from me." He tells me and I nod. "I should."

"You should."

I nodded again. "Okay, I should."

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