Prologue: 1936

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1936 Katelyn's POV

Hello everyone, my name is Katelyn Sarah Rogers. Daughter of Sarah and Joseph Rogers. And younger sister of Steve Rogers. I have a crush on my brothers best mate James Buchanan Barnes, who we all call Bucky. I am currently sixteen years old and my brother is eighteen, while Bucky is nineteen.

Steve and my mum just died from tuberculosis. Which is an infectious disease usually caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) bacteria. That generally infects the lungs.

Anyway, today is her funeral. I stand with Steve who has his arm around me as we watch our mother be buried beside our already dead father. Who had died shortly after world war one. I never knew him as he died before I was born. But mum told Steve and I about him. As Steve barely remembers him.

Luckily as Steve is an adult. I get to stay living with him. Other then going to a foster home. Though Mrs Barnes assured us that we are always welcome at her house. Which we are both grateful for. As Steve is going to an art college for two years and he wants to make sure I'm looked after. He knows Mrs Barnes and Bucky will take care of me.

"Lets go Katelyn" Steve says and I nod my head. We start to leave heading back to our apartment. When Bucky appears.

"We looked for you after the ceremony. My folks wanted to give you a ride to the cemetery" he states.

"We know, we're sorry" I tell him sheepishly.

"We just... kind of wanted to be alone" Steve adds.

"How was it?" Bucky asks us.

"It was okay" Steve tells him.

"She's next to dad and they're together now" I add. As we reach our apartment building and start to climb the stairs. Luckily we're on the first floor and only have to go up one flight of stairs.

"I was gonna ask..." Bucky starts and Steve cuts him off. 

"I know what you're gonna say, Buck, I just..." Steve trails off.

"We can put the couch cushions on the floor like when we were kids. It'll be fun" Bucky tells him.

"Yeah all Steve has to do is shine your shoes and maybe take out the trash" I add teasingly.  We reach the apartment door and Steve starts to search for the key. But Bucky kicks a brick  over revealing the key underneath. I pick it up and hand it to Steve.

"Come on" Bucky tells Steve.

"Thank you, Buck, but I can get by on my own with Katelyn" Steve tells him and I frown. Why is he trying to push Bucky away? He just wants to help us.

"The thing is, you don't have to" Bucky tells him placing a hand on his shoulder. "I'm with you both to the end of the line, pal" he tells Steve.

"Always?" I ask him.

"Always" he says giving me a smile.

"Please Steve, you know I always do to much food" I beg my older brother.

"Come in Bucky" he says not being able to say no to me. He could never refuse anything I wanted. We all go inside and I go to start making dinner leaving the men to talk.

(Dinner time)

We all sit in the living room eating the pasta I'd made. "So how's school Kitty? Any boys take your fancy?" Bucky asks me.

"Don't call me Kitty" I tell him glaring and he chuckles. "And no, the boys are far to immature for my liking" I state.

"You're to good for them anyway" Steve tells me. I roll my eyes at my over protective brother. "Remember Mrs Barnes will be here to help you with her husband. While I'm away at college with Bucky" he tells me.

"I know, but I'll miss you both" I tell them.

"We'll miss you too" they tells me and I smile.

"Just focus on school and the time will fly by" Bucky tells me.

"I hope so" I tell him.

"So what are you going to do after high school?" he asks me.

"Become a nurse" I say smiling.

"You'll be an amazing nurse Katelyn" Steve tells me.

"I agree" Bucky adds and I blush.

"Hey Bucky, would your parents allow me to get a dog?" I ask him.

"A dog? Why?" he and Steve ask me.

"I'll get lonely and wouldn't mind a companion" I state.

"If they could afford one, I'm sure they would. But times are getting harder and I don't think any of us has the funds needed to look after a dog" Bucky tells me gently. I pout and Steve places a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sure things will get better and when they do, you'd be able to afford buying a dog yourself" Steve tells me.

"He's right" Bucky tells me and I smile. We finish our dinner and Steve does the dishes. While Bucky and I set up a game of cards. That Steve seems to always beat us in. Steve soon joins us and the game begins.

As predicted Steve won the games. Until I yawned and he told me to go to bed. I do so grudgingly. After saying good night to them both. Steve had told Bucky he could stay the night on the couch. He agreed and I got him a blanket along with a pillow before I went to bed.

Third Persons POV

"How do you think she's handling it?" Bucky asks Steve.

"She's fine and is stronger then I am" Steve tells him. "But I do worry for her. As she usually has nightmares when trying to be tough" he explains.

"We'll both be there for her and my parents will look out for her while we're in college" Bucky assures him.

"I know and I'm very grateful to them" Steve tells him smiling. "I'm grateful to you to Buck, I don't know what we'd do without you" he adds.

"Like I told you both outside, I'm with you to the end of the line" Bucky reminds him. They both then call it a night. Bucky falling asleep on the couch while Steve went to sleep in his room after checking on Katelyn.

(Midnight) Bucky's POV

"Ahhh!" I hear a girl shout and shot up running to Katelyn's room. To find her shaking curled up in a bowl.

"You ok Katelyn?" I ask gently sitting beside her and she shakes her head. I pull her onto my lap and hold her close. "What was it about?" I ask her.

"Steve, your parents and you died. I was all alone" she whimpers.

"You'll never be alone" I tell her as Steve enters the room. 'Nightmare' I mouth to him and he nods his head. He sits beside me and strokes his sister's soft brown hair.

"I don't want to be alone" she tells us. So we decide to sleep in the living room together. Katelyn lay in between Steve and I. We all fell asleep together with no nightmares for the rest of the night.


Gif above of Steve and Bucky. Picture on the external link of Katelyn.

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