Chapter 15

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Danna's POV

Everything was heaven really is here? My thoughts went away as a faint giggle caught my attention. I don't think the big guy would be giggling like a school girl. Out of no where my lungs felt like they were on fire, and I tried to drab my throat, failing almost immediately.

I couldn't move any part of my body, I could only sit and feel the pain that was starting to rise from my chest, arms, and legs also. The giggling got louder as I hit ice cold water, not understanding what was going on around me. I only sat back and waited for the feeling to pass...hopefully it would.

Sure enough after a few minutes I could move, but I still felt numb from the ice water I was laying in. I found the strength to sit up and almost fell right back down. Luckily I managed to get a hold of myself and looked around this mysterious area I was now in.

A few yards away there was a happy couple sitting on a small incline. Slowly a smile spread across my face wishing that could be me and Colby. But my smile went away quickly when I met the eyes of none other than Joel his self. He poked Estellise lightly and pointed in my direction without breaking the eye contact. She looked even more shocked then he did.

I stood up out of the water and crossed my arms as I went over to them. My shirt was still missing, and my hair was still down, which only helped make me more cold. When I was in front of Estellise and Joel I could feel tears building in my eyes.

"Please...tell me Colby won't try to bring me back," I whispered lightly.

"I-I didn't even know you died Danna!" Estellise cried.

"Boldt and Garren got me and Ryder. I need to know what happened to Colby," The tears finally fell making little sobs escape my body.

"Joel? Your better at these things then I am, do you think you can show her Colby?" My friend said nervously.

"Sure, Danna."

With a sad expression Joel moved to the water I had just came out of and sighed. Slowly a picture came across the surface and I almost died again from the sight before me. Colby was throwing things everywhere in the gym and Joel's father was standing in one of the corners quietly.

Colby couldn't be doing this! He needs to calm down and just try to live on happy. But from what I was seeing he was just getting started. Tears were now streaming down his face as he shook. I knew him well enough to tell that wouldn't stop him from throwing all those chairs.

Suddenly he stopped and turned to Joel's father, "Take mine then."

What? Take his what? "Very well, I take it you would like to carry her down to the office?"

My whole body grew colder then it already was. Colby wasn't going to....was he? He nodded slightly and went onto the stage where me, Ryder, Garren, and Boldt lay. When he lifted me up I felt a pull in my heart, even though I was already dead.

Colby's POV

I eased down onto the metal lay out, waiting for the doctor to come in. Soon I'd be gone and Danna would get the chance to live on with my heart. Forever, I would be apart of her. I only hoped she would be able to get past my death, I sure as heck couldn't get over her's.

She was allot stronger then I had ever been though. The while doors moved open and the doctor came in with Joel's dad right behind him. He gave me a sad expression with questioning eyes, I only nodded making him sigh.

"Go ahead Dr. Dillian."

A small smile played on my lips at the thought of Danna. She was all I could ever ask for and more, even though I only got to love her for a short time. I did get to hold her, I did get to kiss her, and I got to say I was in love with her.

Pressure started to rise on my chest, "NO! COLBY NO!"

I shot off of the metal lay out and quickly motioned for the doctor to give me a minute. Did Danna just..? There was no way! I was just hearing things, that had to be it. I made myself hear her, she was dead, she couldn't speak.

"Damn it Colby! Yes I can! I did die, but somehow Joel brought me into his world with Estellise without even knowing it! Don't do this!"

"Danna..." I whispered.

"I think we established my name a long time ago Colby! Just don't kill yourself to let me live deserve to live."

"So do you," I mumbled earning a look from Joel's dad.

"I had my time, now It's up. You can still be happy Colby, you know you can be. I'll always be with you in your heart...never forget no matter what my love will never die for you. Even if you fall madly in love with some girl and have kids."

"I could never do that to you Danna."

"Well you need to nut up or shut up Colby. I want you to live, and you said you want me happy, right? This will make me happy. We'll still talk sometimes...just not often enough for me to make you have to relive everything in your head."


"Please Colby, if you really love me you will back out of this."

"Only for you."

If I could see Danna I swear she would have been smiling right now. I guess me living actually does make her happy. Without looking up I went out through the doors and headed for the exit, before I could get there Joel's dad stepped in front of me.

"Your doing the right thing son. You meant allot to Danna, which means you mean allot to me. I hope to see you again soon, just not for anything like this."

He reached his hand out to me and I shook it quickly before moving around him and outside. The air hit my face, making me feel a bit cold. I didn't question it though, I just started to make my way home not caring if anyone saw me in this state.

Danna would always still be with me in a way, and I'd always count on her love. After a while I finally looked up, and met the gaze of Nathaniel. Sure this was a little to soon to explain how the love of my life died...but I smiled anyway, she wants me happy, then I will be.

Boldt's POV

I flexed all my muscles before I stood next to Garren. Well this could get interesting! We shared a knowing smile before looking back to Joel. He returned our smile as he turned back and motioned for us to follow.

Slowly but surely me and Garren went after him, still not used to walking again. Joel said that Danna was brought here also, and he didn't quite understand how. I wouldn't complain though, I could really mess with her in a place like this.

Her friend and Joel's girlfriend Estellise wouldn't even be able to tell there was something wrong. This was between me, the boys, and Danna only. Thankfully her now protective brother didn't come back with her, that could have caused us some problems.

Let's just see Danna try to be happy now, she would have to suffer from my touch. I couldn't stand her at all, why? The hell if I knew. The only thing I did know is I never wanted her to smile again, I wanted her to beg me to stop hurting her. I was back, and meaner then ever.


Well then... O_o don't even know why Lie is making me write the A/N, I didn't even write the chapter lol To clear things up! This was meant to be a short and fast paced story, it's how the original author wanted it to be for some reason! THIS STORY IS NOW COMPLETED! Even though It's only 15 chapters...a sequal? lol doubt it, not THAT many people even liked this to begin with. COOKIES FROM PINKY!! -Sokka ;P

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