Chapter 12

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Colby's POV

I had stayed up all night thinking of everything Estellise had told me. I didn't have a clue how she knew what Joel had done before he passed. 

That wasn't the main point of what was happening though. I couldn't believe Joel was the one hurting Danna just because he was jealous.

I could only imagine what Danna feels like in all of this. Heart broken, lost, wanting to die. If anyone deserves to die it's the one who already passed.

Danna can't kill herself for Joel, I won't let her do it. I'd rather take out myself then have her involved in this twisted plot.

Estellise said if I got close enough to Danna she would still feel our lost love for eachother. It would confuse her with what's happening, but it would make her stop whatever plan she had.

The talent show started in a hour, and I had to be prepared to face Danna before she gave up. First, I would have to call up Damien.


Danna's POV

I was at the school with Damien, helping everyone set up the stage. My version of Raining Blood was set and ready, and so was my excitement. I would soon be reunited with the guy I love!

I was to distracted with my thoughts to notice I was about to take a face plant off of the stage. When I finally looked, I was already falling.

"Danna!" I twisted in mid fall to look for who had called my name.

But after a second I wasn't falling anymore, and strong arms grasped my waist. I looked up, searching for who had stopped me.

"Your beautiful as always," Colby whispered.

Chills ran up my skin and I felt at bliss. In Colby's arms nothing was wrong, and all I felt was happiness.

I had forgot Colby made me feel this way, and I wish I never did. With him I felt safe and like the happiest girl in the world.

I was still in love with him, no one else ever had the ability to make me feel like he did. I stared into his eyes and found the love I was hoping for.

'Snap out of it Danna, your mine. Remember that, Colby is just a tool in this game. You love me, you always have,' Joel said in my head.

I jerked out of Colby's arms and gave him a hateful look, "Don't ever touch me again."

With that said I turned back to the stage and lifted myself back up. The lights were now turned on and the curtains were pulled across the stage, hiding the performers nervously waiting.

I pulled back a corner of one of the curtains and stepped in behind it. After I placed it back I moved to find my guitar. The talent show started in five minutes.


Colby's POV

She had felt our pull, but ignored it. Joel must have connected his self to her mind. That wasn't what was important right now though.

The talent show started any minute, and people were pouring in to get to their seats. I had to save Danna, no matter what she said.

I found a seat in the front row and sat quietly. Everyone in the room was talking, making echos come off the walls in every direction.

Well everyone, except me. I was to preoccupied with thinking of how to stop Danna from making a huge mistake.

"Welcome to the Hilton High annual talent show!"

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