Chapter 9

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Joel's POV

She was beautiful, and I couldn't take my eyes away from her. But I had to face her boyfriend. Geez even calling another guy her's doesn't suit well with me. This Colby guy didn't look like one you could trust very easy.

I could tell he knew I was in love with her, considering all the hate coming off of him. Thinking about it at the moment wasn't going to bring her back though. I had to run this test and hope she's still out there.

"Son, please continue. We've never used your gift this way so I'm hoping it'll still work."

Everyone in the room looked confused except me and my father. I had a weird ability to connect to people when they slept. I called myself a gate crasher, just because I could be in anyone's head, as long as there unconscious. 

I planted my hands on either side of Danna. Even thinking her name made me feel in love. But I didn't have time to think about it, I had to save her and make her fall for me. She needed to see Colby wasn't the one for her.

I took one last look around the room. My father was staring at my movements with ease, everyone else looked at me with scare and wonder.

I shut my eyes and breathed deeply. This had to be perfect, I couldn't mess up the connection. Slowly I felt myself slid from the living world and into the gates of dreams.

When everything was still once more, I started to move forward. The only thing I could think of was Danna, but that wouldn't be much of a challenge. 

I felt myself slid once more, this time when I stopped I heard near by voices. When I opened my eyes I saw two girls sitting by a stream. As I took in their appearance I saw my love laughing, along with some other girl. 

Neither of them seemed to notice me as I got closer. But once I was next to them the unknown girl looked up at me. I knew her anywhere, she always thought she was the best of the gate crashers.

"Estellise, fancy meeting you here."

"Likewise Joel, didn't expect them to send you in. I knew they'd run tests but this isn't my greatest pleasure."

"You think it's my choice to see you? I didn't no you'd have a connection towards Danna. I'm here on business only."

Even I could tell I was lying, Danna didn't seem to notice it at least. As for Estellise, she had the biggest knowing smile I'd ever seen. So much for a secret. 

"Of course your only here on business, not desire. It would be foolish of me to think other wise." 

"Yes it would. Anyway, I was here to see if Danna's mind was still caring on. Now that I see it is, we can get her a heart transplant." 

For the first time I got a good look at Danna, well, while she was conscious. She was even more beautiful, if that was even possible. Her eyes held the love I hoped they would, she was seeing we were meant for eachother. At that I couldn't help but smile.

"Well then you should be heading back shouldn't you?" Estellise laughed.

"Yes I should, I hope to see you again soon Danna."

I gave her a small wink and turned back around. My heart already ached from having to walk away from her. I hope this transplant would get through fast. 

"Wait, you can't give a dead person a heart transplant, can you?"

I turned to face Danna again, "Your in the witness protection program Danna, anythings possible." 

I was happy for the extra look at her face but I really had to get going. This time I didn't stop, I kept going and shut my eyes. I had to get out of here before I lost it and went back.

When I opened my eyes I was back looking down at Danna's motionless body again. I sighed but turned back to my audience in the room. 

"What the hell did he just do?" Colby shouted.

"He ran the test," my father answered, "and I hope it was a success."

"It was, her mind is very much alive. I found Estellise with her so it was a short meeting. I did tell her about the heart transplant though."

"Heart transplant? Would someone please tell us what the heck is going on?" Damien said.

"Alright, might as well. As long as Danna's mind is conscious we can move a living heart into her and she'll live. The problem is waiting on a living heart. Since this is a secret company we can't just walk out and get one."

"We'll have to wait on a donor, or someone of our own to pass. It could take weeks, maybe years for someone to actually come in and give a heart," my father continued. 

Damien suddenly came up beside his sister and grabbed her hand. Tears were starting to form in his eyes and I felt the need to leave. People crying around me never ends well.

He seemed to gain control of what he was doing and turned back to my father. With deep breaths he released his sister's hand and walked in front of Nathan and Colby.

"I want the both of you to promise you'll take care of Danna."

Both boy's heads shot up at Damien's words, and I admit I was shocked also, "What do you mean?" Nathan asked.

"I'm donating my heart. I want my sister to live on with people I can trust with her."

The room was quiet after Damien's comment. No one could believe he was actually willing to do this. My father most of all.

"Damien I won't stand for it! We will have another donor, I don't want to lose you because you feel the need to do this!" my father stated.

"I have to Bruce! I want her to live! To be able to be a teenager! Have crushes, fall in love! She means more to me then my own life!"

Again the room grew quiet. No one knew how to respond to Damien. I could tell everyone in this room cared for him, except me. Which made me feel even worse about all of this.

"No, I'll do it," all eyes fell on Colby.


Song of the Chapter: My Sacrifice by Creed

 Well was anyone shocked?? I felt that was a little to expected, hopefully it wasn't by much. So much for team Joel and team Colby...can't really have teams if one of them is dead. If you want Colby to live on, comment! If you want Joel to be the one for Danna, vote! Hope everyone's enjoying the story! Love -Silky:D

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