Chapter 7

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Colby's POV

"Hello?" I watched Damien as he spoke on the phone. His face looked confused with who answered him, and he started pacing.

"Nathan? Why are you using Danna's cell? Why can't I feel her thoughts?" My eyes went wide in shock. What happened to Danna? This couldn't be happening, the girl I love can't already be gone!

"WHAT? Where are you? I need a address and whatever you do don't dial the police!" My eyes went wider at Damien's words. Don't call the police? What the hell was going on?

"Shut up and listen! Don't call the cops! I'll explain later! I'll be over there in a minute, now what's the address?"  I wanted to smack Damien so bad, if this was about Danna he sure as hell wasn't going to her alone.

He shuffled to the table and got out a pen and a piece of paper. He wrote down the address and quickly placed it in his pocket.

"I'll see you in a few," He ended the call but didn't shut his phone. He started to scroll for a different number with a frown on his face.

"What happened?"

His gaze snapped to me and he looked even more pissed, "Danna's dead."

My heart felt like it just exploded. There was no way Danna was dead! I was holding her not to long ago! I felt anger rise in me, If she is dead, I'm bringing her back.

Damien put the phone to his ear and I opened my mouth to yell at him, but shut it when he started talking. He had called the Witness Protection Program and seemed to be explaining the problem to them. After a few minutes he shut his phone with a sad expression.

"I'm going to go help my sister, stay here pretty boy."

Before he could turn away I grabbed his arm, "No."

He only shook his head but gave in. He knew we'd have to get there soon. We ran out to his car and hopped in. Pulling out the address, he started driving.

I couldn't help but feel nervous for Danna, and mad at whoever would do a damn thing like this to her. No one hated Danna! Barely anyone spoke to her at our school! There's no one that would do such....then it hit me. Boldt. 


 Danna's POV

I felt like I was drifting off somewhere. I thought I'd be feeling so much pain right now, yet I felt at peace. Something was wrong with this image though.

I shouldn't be feeling at bliss when I just got beaten half to death! None of  this made any sense whats so ever!  

"Danna, you always didn't like change."

I felt myself being lifted and I heard a soft laugh. Why did that voice sound so familiar? I couldn't put my hand on it but I felt like I should know who was speaking to me. The voice sighed.

"I figured you'd forget about me at some point, I just hoped it would take longer then a couple years." 

A white shadow appeared in front of me, making the shape of a girl. I could make out curly hair and a long dress as she started getting closer. But when she stood before me, I stared in her piercing eyes in shock. 

Skinny frame, beautiful, amazing brown hair, sea blue eyes. How could I ever forget her voice? She was, no is, my best friend.


A grin played on her face, "Glad I don't have to introduce myself all over again you boob."

I smirked up at her, god had I missed her, "What's going on? I love you and all but I'm so confused."

"Your in a safe place. Right now your body on Earth is dead so your wandering out here with me, and no this isn't Heaven."

 My mouth opened in shock. I'm dead?

"No only your body is."

My eyes shot to Estellise, how did she know?

"Because I can hear everyone's thoughts. It's like a get away to come here, my body is very much alive but somehow every time I sleep I'm allowed access to this place."

"Little on the creepy side Este, but my body being dead doesn't make sense. How am I here then?" 

"It's really hard to explain, but I have a feeling Ryder won't stop until your alive again though. He always did care more about you then his self."

Would he bring me back? How could he care more about me if he ignored me for a year? None of this makes any sense.  


Colby's POV 

We reached a banged up neighborhood not to far away from the twin's house. After a few houses we saw Nathan sitting on the curb near a alley way.  

We both jumped out and found ourselves running at him. When we halted Nathan stood and motioned for us to follow him down the alley. He seemed nerve wrecked and like he would never speak again.

I prayed silently that Danna really wasn't dead. But as we rounded a dumpster there layed a pale looking teenage boy with his eyes open.

I fell to my knees and felt the sobbs rise in my chest as I stared at Danna in her boy form. I couldn't help it any longer as I felt tears stream down my face.

This had to be my fault, I just had to attack her brother didn't I? She wouldn't have ran if I would have stayed in place! Then she wouldn't have met her fate with Boldt!

I felt broken and I never wanted to move again. I wanted to be dead by her side, I can't live without her. Nathan seemed to know what I was thinking as he touched my shoulder, shaking his head at me. 

I wouldn't listen to him though, I couldn't be away from Danna. She was the only reason I was living, without her my world was empty. Why am I still alive?


Song of the Chapter: In The End by Linkin Park

Chapter goes out to my bestie Estellise! Had to bring her into the story! Hope everyone likes the story! Don't slaughter me for killing off Danna! It'll make more sense later! It's amazing I have over 150 reads right now! Your all amazing! Love -Silky:D 

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